
发布 2020-03-23 01:11:28 阅读 9611



b 笔试部分。


)1 fatc. washroom

)2 a. h**e b. cakec. snake

)3 a. cup b. usec. bus

)4 a. five b. milkc. hi

)5 a. open b. homec. fox

)6 a. meb. penc. key

)7 a. math b. classc. pants

)8 a. close b. thosec. off

)9 a. make b. applec. carrot

)10 a. bike b. kitec. fish


)1. -whose jacket is this? -it’s __

a. myb. mikec. your sister’s.

)2. it’s timeget up.

a. forb. toc. in

)3. how many __do you h**e?

a. bookb. 8 books c. books

)4. these __your shorts.

a. amb. arec. is

)5. this is __bag. that is __egg.

ab. an, a c. a, an

)6. where is the canteen? it’s __first floor.

a. inb. atc. on

)7. i get up __six o’clock.

a. atb. inc. on

)8time is it8 o’clock.

a. what’s; it’s b. what; it’sc. what; it

)9. are they ducks? yes

a. it isb. they arec. you can.

) muchthey?

a. amb. isc. are

八、 看图,把句子补充完整,每空一词, 注意单复数。(10分)

1. there are

2. it’s veryt': span', c': r': r_5'}]i want to put on my

3. it’s time for on your

4. i see five __eight __two __and three __


1. a: what’s the weather like today?

b2. a: how much is it?

b60)3. a: what are these?b4. a

b: it’s seven o’clock5. a

b: it’s yellow.


it’s sunny today. it’s very hot. i wear my new skirt and a t-shirt.

mike wears his shorts and a vest. we go to the park to fly kites. there are many people in the park.

look! there are four dogs over there! oh!

there are also some rabbits. they are all white. i like the rabbits very much.

we h**e a good time today, we are very happy.

) 1. it’s cloudy today.

) 2. mike wears a vest and shorts.

) 3. there are five dogs here.

) 4. the rabbits are white.

) are not happy today.

1、x 2、√ 3、 x 4、√ 5、√ 6、x 7、√ 8、√ 9、x 10、√


1.a 2、b 3、b 4、b 5、b 6、 c 7、b 8、c 9、c 10、a


1、c 2、a 3、b 4、b 5、b 6、b 7、b 8、c 9、a 10、c


1、c 2、b 3、c 4、b 5、c 6、c 7、c 8、b 9、b 10、c

八、 看图,把句子补充完整,每空一词。(10分)

1.two cucumbers 2. cold jacket 3. class sneakers rabbits pigs ducks


1. it’s windy today.

2. it’s sixty yuan.

3. these are slippers./this is a pair of slippers.

4. what time is it?

5. what colour is it?


1、x 2、√ 3、 x 4、√ 5、x


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