
发布 2020-03-23 00:48:28 阅读 5301

1: how many兔子)are there in the picture十只)

2: there are many猪)and __there.(狗)

3: i see八鸭子)and ten猫)

4: what can you in the picture?

i can see two __马)six绵羊) one___山羊)

and one___母鸡)

5: can you spell __十一十二十三),十五), and二十)?

6: a: are these cucumbers?

b: yes

7: the dress is好的), and the skirt is便宜的)

8: it’s __热的)in china, and it’s寒冷的)in australia.

9: it’s three o’clock, it’s __for __class.(三点了,该去上英语课的时候了)

10多少)slippers do you h**e? two.

11:can i help you ?

y es, i want三个苹果两个橙子)


12:do you want a __大的西瓜)?

yes, i do.

13多少钱) are the bananas?

20 yuan.

14: the mouse is __小的), but the elephant is大的)

15: how much are the梨子eleven yuan.

16: i want five香蕉) and three桃子)。

17: it’s cold. you’d better take your夹克)

18:it’s晴朗的) in guangzhou. is it下雪的) in hong kong?

19: it’s cool, i can __穿) my衬衣)

20:good morning., here is the天气预报)

21:it’s cool让我们) go to play足球)

22:my牛仔裤)are blue.

23: _time is it now? it’s __12) o’clcok.

it’s time for语文课)

24:whatis the连衣裙)


25:where are my __短裤) and袜子)。

on the bed.

26: i like the __黄色的)t-shirt with the __白色的) skirt.

27: it___7:00. it’s __for school.

28: let’s go to the __教室),it’s time for英语课)

29:time for午餐), let’s go to the餐厅)

30:go to the图书馆)read some books.

31: we h**e a new电脑室), two风扇) and four灯) in our classroom.

32: this操场) is green, that美术室)is white.

33: look, this is my学校)。 there is a**室)on the second floor. there is a __图画)on the墙壁)

34: today is warm, let’s go to the农场)。my __爸爸)is a __农民), my __妈妈) is a医生),my __姐姐)is a学生),my哥哥) is a教师)。

35多少钱) is this skirt?

36: i like __**)and __数学)。

37:where is the电脑)?

it’s on the讲台)

38:this尺子) is too长的),i want a __短的)one.

39: the地板)is绿色).

40fiveten lambs. i love them.

41: what’s in your __书包)

there are one铅笔盒) ten铅笔) three尺子) and many书本) in it.

42: mike is a __男孩) amy is a女孩). they are学生).

43: welcome to my家).look, this is my房间), there is a___书桌), a___椅子), a___床), a big窗).

44: amy is my good朋友),she has big __眼睛), a small __鼻子), black hair and a small嘴巴)

45: i’d like some __鱼米饭鸡肉)for my dinner, and h**e some __面包) and __牛奶).


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