
发布 2023-01-21 11:40:28 阅读 7824



a. wear b. wore c. wash d. went e. win

g. finish h. finger i. fever j. feet


、 听音辨图,在正确的**下打“√”10分)

、 听音选出你听到的句子,将其序号填在括号里。(6分)

)1. a. i cleaned my roomb. i finished my homework.

)2. a. lingling didn’t get up at half past six. b. lingling gets up at half past six.

)3. a. did you hurt your kneeb. did you see a scary thing?

)4. a. there was a big monsterb. there were three monsters.

)5. a. when did they comeb. what did she play?

)6. a. sam fell off his bikeb. sam fell on the watermelon.

、听音用数字(1,2,3,4) 给下列句子重新排序。(4分but she didn’t learn these things yesterday. yesterday was national day!

) she usually walks to school.

) she usually learns english and maths.

) but she didn’t walk to school yesterday.

笔试部分。、 根据语境用“——画出句中正确的单词。(5分)

1、daming(has / h**e)got a pet dog.

2、where( do / does)your mother work?

3、lingling will be ten(on / in)april.

4、amy ( learns / learnt)english and maths yesterday.

5、she didn’t (walk / walked) to school yesterday.

、 根据语境补全句子中的单词。(10分)

1、i like中国的) dancing.

2、he发明) this bicycle in 1839.

3、he步行) to school yesterday.

4、we吃)a watermelon yesterday

5、but he didn’t来)back.

6、lingling went to a shop and买)a present.

7、i帮助)my mum yesterday.

8、this girl won a gold奖杯).

9、did you骑)your bike?

10、what’s the麻烦事) ?


) 1. -where does she live?

she __in london

a. livesb. livec. lived

) 2. i am reading a letter. it’s___my friend, lucy

a. fromb. onc. of

) 3. we went to

a. the great wall b. the great wall c. great wall

) 4. daminggrandma last sunday

a. phoned b. phone c. phoneed

) 5. i __a new friend

a. has gotb. gotc. h**e got

) 6. wang feigot a stomach ache

a. hasb. h**ec. is

) 7. how many __did you eat

a. biscuitb. biscuits c. a biscuit

) 8. i went to beijing2008

a. atb. inc. on

) 9. we boughta present

a. yourb. yoursc. you

) 10. my trousersvery dirty. i washed them

a. wereb. isc. was

、 根据问句选答句,将序号写在前面的括号里。(5分)

) 1. where did you goa. i saw lions and tigers.

) 2. what happened to youb. no, i didn’t.

) 3. what did you seec. i went to the zoo.

) 4. what did she playd. she played the flute.

) 5. did you falle. i ran for the i fell over.

ⅹ、 根据语境选词填空, 将序号填在前面的括号里。(5分)

a. last b. practise c. ice-skating d. only e. angry

) 1. the bad man was

) 2. yesterday, we went

) 3. the magic paintbrush __helped ma liang.

) 4. they came __wednesday.

) 5. so __a lot. then you will win a competition too.

、 连词成句。(10分)

1.watched / sam / tv (.

2. you/ toy / did/ break/ your (

3. did / i / football / not / play (.

4. got/ i / cold / h**e/ a (

5. invented /people /chinese /printing (.



1. wash 2. wear 3. win 4. went 5. wore

1. finish 2. fever 3. food 4. feet 5. finger

. 听音编号,用数字)给下列**重新排序。

1. i washed my trousers. 2. i helped my mum. 3. i finished my homework.

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听力材料。听力材料一 春天。春天来了,春天来了!春姑娘把美丽的景色带给了大地。山坡上开满了粉红的桃花,金黄的迎春花。小草脱掉黄色的外衣披上了新装,大地一片新绿。小河里的冰融化了,清清的河水哗哗地流着,鱼儿在水中游来游去。河边的柳树长出了嫩绿的小幼芽,柳枝在春风中飘动。小燕子排着整齐的队伍从南方飞回来...

小学四年级语文听力材料 附听力训练题

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三 认真听老师读短文,完成下面练习。1 这段短文写了竹子的两个方面,重点写了竹子的。2 作者从的用途写出了竹子 全身是宝 3 岁寒三友 是指。4 竹子最突出的品格是。听力短文四。当万紫千红的春天到来的时候,柳绿桃红,春光明媚。然而,每当这时,却很少有人想到那山坡上 大路旁的小草。小草虽然微小,但是有...