
发布 2020-09-29 15:17:28 阅读 5226


i. listen and circle. (听录音,圈出每组中正确的字母)

1. b d 2. i e

3. a e 4. c g

5. d b 6. f l

7. l g 8. g h

9. h f 10. f h

ii. listen and circle. (听录音,圈出每组中正确的**)

look, read and choose.(看**,从下列六个短语中选择正确的一个,将字母序号填在括号里)

a. turn on the light. b. sweep the floor.

c. open the door.

d. clean the board. e. put up the picture.

the window.

listen and circle.(听录音,圈出每组中正确的那个单词)

1. cake elephant duck cat

2. clean look close open

3. computer fan desk chair

4. window wall classroom floor

5. doctor picture light board

listen and draw or.(听录音,判断录音与**是否相符,相符的画笑脸,不相符的画哭脸)

read the passage and tick or cross.(阅读短文,判断对错)

hello! my name is mary. welcome to my classroom.

it’s big and nice. there are 24 desks and 48 chairs. we h**e a tv.

the tv is black. we also h**e a computer. it’s on the teacher’s desk.

there are four windows. they are very clean. my seat is near the window.

) classroom is very small.

) is a tv and a computer in the classroom.

) seat is near the door.

) computer is on the teacher’s desk.

) are 24 chairs and 48 desks in the classroom.

) are 5 windows in the classroom.

第三单元。.listen and circle.(听录音,圈出每组中正确的那组字母组合)

xsz xsy wvy yvw iyz zyi jgyw jygw

.listen and match.(听录音,将人物、外貌特征、兴趣爱好等三相信息正确相连)

第四单元。.listen and match.(听录音,把人物与所在的房间用线连起来。)

.listen and choose.(听录音,选择正确的单词,把序号写在横线上。)

to theread a book.

a. study b. classroom

aon the table.

a. phone b. pen

are sarah’s father and mother? they’re in the

a. living room b. kitchen

the books? they’re on the

a. bag b. chair

your pen on the desk? no, it’sthe chair.

a. under b. near

第五单元。.listen and match.(听录音,将人物和餐具连线)

i.listen and draw a happy face or a sad face.(听录音,画笑脸或哭脸)

.listen and match.(听录音连线)

第六单元。.listen and match. (听录音,连线)

driverdoctorstudent nursefarmer

painti sports

computergames quietflowers

. listen and number. (听录音,按照听到的顺序给下面**标序号,用数字1-5表示)


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