
发布 2023-01-20 11:05:28 阅读 9730



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**便宜些□ 服务热情周到□ 店面装饰有个性□ 商品新颖多样□




是□ 否□上述所示的上海经济发展的数据说明:人们收入水平的增加,生活水平的提高,给上海的饰品业带来前所未有的发展空间,为造就了一个消费额巨大的饰品时尚市场提供了经济基础。使大学生对diy手工艺品的时尚性消费,新潮性消费,体验性消费成为可能。


一)mother is at home

littlejackisplayinginfrontof (在……前面) ahouse. asalesman (**员)askshim, "hi,boy!isyour

motherin? "

" yes! "jackanswers.

thenthesalesmanringsthedoorbell (门铃). nooneanswers. themanasksjack, "nobodyisathome? "

" right!" jackanswers, "butthisisnotmyhouse."


) 1. jackisreadinginfrontofhishouse.

) smotherisathome.

) isyourmotherin? "

) smothergoesshopping.

二)betty and kitty are twins. they’re 12 years old. they look the same.

but they h**e different hobbies. betty likes collecting stamps. she has many beautiful stamps.

they’re from different cities and countries. but kitty likes growing flowers. the flowers are all very and kitty both like reading books.

betty likes reading storybooks. but kitty likes reading science sunday, they usually ride bikes to the park. they can play with their friends there.

sometimes their parents go there, too.


) 1. betty is kitty’s sister.

) 2. betty likes growing flowers.

) 3. kitty likes reading storybooks.

) 4. they’re twelve years old.

) 5. they usually take a bus to the park on saturday.

三)my name is lily. this is my house. there are five rooms in my house.

this is my father and mother’s room. there are three pictures on the wall. there is a desk near the window.

there are two chairs behind the desk. on the left of the room, there is a toilet(卫生间). on the right, it’s my room.

there are four pictures and a poster on the wall.


) 1. this is lily’s house.

) 2. there are four rooms in the house.

) 3. there are three pictures in lily’s room.

) 4. there are two chairs and a desk in father and mother’s room.

) 5. the toilet is on the left of my father and mother’s room.

(四)a: mum, it’s teacher’s day. i’d like a card for my teacher.

b: ok, here’s a green one on the desk. a: thank you, mum. what’s the time, please.

b: it’s seven now.

a: oh, i’m late. where’s my school bag?

b: it’s on the bed.

a: mum, shall we go by bus?

b: ok. let’s close the door.


) 1. it’s teacher’s day.

) 2. his school bag is on the desk.

) 3. they go to school by bike.

) 4. they go to school at seven。

) wants to give teacher a flower.

五)laura is my good friend. she is from america. she likes chinese food very much.

she often has eggs and soy milk for breakfast. she has lunch at school. she likes to eat rice, chicken, sweet potatoes and tofu.

after school, she helps her mom to cook supper for her family. laura is good at ****** jiaozi. she likes jiaozi best.

tomorrow is mother’s day. laura is going to buy her mom a box of chocolate to celebrate(庆祝) her mom’s birthday. she loves her mom very much.


) 1. laura is from china.

) 2. laura likes chinese food.

) 3. laura has lunch at school.

) 4. laura is good at ****** jiaozi.

) 5. tomorrow is her father’s birthday.


1 australia is one of the greatest islands in the world.it is a little smaller than china.it is in the south of the earth.so when it is hot summer in ...


一 没认出妈妈。王芳去学校参加亲子游戏活动,其中有一个项目是让学生通过摸手来辨认自己的妈妈。学生与家长都很乐意参加这个活动。妈妈们都被一面大大的白纸板挡住了,只留下一个小洞让她们把手伸出来。活动一开始,孩子们纷纷跑上来仔细辨认这一排手。有的看,有的摸,还有的拿鼻子嗅,热闹非凡。王芳下岗后,昨天刚找到...


一个人从老师那儿学的知识是极其无限的,大量的知识都是靠自己课外阅读而获得。所以,阅读应该伴随我们一生。掌握阅读方法十分严重,同学们可以从以下四个方面培养阅读习惯 一 扩大阅读面。典范性的课文应认真阅读,并从中汲取语文知识。不光仅仅局限于阅读课本,还要扩大自己的阅读面,订一两份有关学习的报刊,到图书馆...