
发布 2023-01-19 10:50:28 阅读 8292


this is kitty's house. there are four rooms in the living room is big. there is a long sofa and a big tv in it.

there are some family photos beside the tv. in the bedroom, there is a desk beside the bed. on the desk there is a computer.

there a clock on the wall. the kitchen in kitty's house is small, but it is nice and clean. there is a table and four chairs in the kitchen.

in the toilet, there are some flowers on the window.

)1. there are rooms in the house.

)2. there are somebeside the tv.


) the desk there is

computer book clock

) is a table and four chairs in the

) thethere are some flowers on the window.

room 二、读对话,判断下列句子与对话内容是否相符,如相符,在括号内写t,否则写f。

sally: good morning. my name is sally.

d**id: hello,sally. i'm d**id. nice to meet you.

sally: nice to meet you, too. here's a photo of my bedroom.

d**id: wow! your bedroom is lovely!

sally: there is a big tv in it.

d**id: where's your brother's bedroom?

sally: it's next to my bedroom. look! here it is.

d**id: oh, it's nice. i like it.

sally: i like it, too. and there is a picture of my family on the wall.

) meets d**id in the afternoon.

)'s bedroom is lovely.

) is a small tv in sally's bedroom.

) room of sally's brother isn't nice.

) is a picture of sally's family on the wall of her brother's bedroom.



hi, my name is li hong. my school is very large. there are two teaching buildings in it.

beside the buildings there are many trees. in my school there are thirty-six classrooms, two large teachers(rooms, seven toilets, two computer rooms. two playgrounds ,a swimming pool and a library in it.

one of the playground is small. the other(另一个)is large. we like to play games in the playground.

our classroom is large and clean. it has four big windows and two doors. in the classroom there are forty-five desks and forty-five chairs for the students.

in front of the blackboard there is a big desk for the teacher. on the teachers desk there is a computer. we love our school!

) are two teaching buildings in li hong's school.

) is only one small playground in li hong's school.

) hong's classroom has four big windows and one door

) are forty-five desks and forty-five chairs in the classroom for the students.

) is a box on the teacher's desk.


ben: hello, lily. how many stars do you h**e in the english lesson?

lily: i h**e four stars. what about you?

ben: i h**e three. and i h**e five in the chinese lesson.

lily: i h**e five stars in the chinese lesson, too.

ben: what about the maths lesson? do you h**e any stars in the maths lesson?

lily: only one. i don't like to use numbers.

ben: i love to use numbers. i h**e six stars in the maths lesson.

maths is my f**ourite subject. what's your f**ourite subject?

lily: i like music like to sing songs.

ben: who's your f**ourite teacher?

lily:ms white.

) has four stars in the english lesson.

) has five stars in the chinese lesson.

) has only one star in the maths lesson.

) likes maths.

)'s f**ourite subject is music.

)'s f**ourite teacher is ms white.




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