
发布 2023-01-19 06:39:28 阅读 2215

. read and judge. 读一读,判断每组画线部分读音是“t” 否“f” 相同。(5分)

) 1. table people2. fork world

) 3. homework work4. nurse hamburger

) 5. computer dinner

look and choose. 仔细观察,我站错队伍了,写字母标号即可。 (12分)

)1. a. these b. those c. yum d. they

( )2. a. shirt b. whose c. jacket d. sweater

( )3. a. mine b. nice c. cheap d. beautiful

( )4. a. animal b. cow c. hen d. goat

) 5. a. cold b. weather c. windy d. snowy

) 6. a. socks b. gloves c. shirts d. eighty

look, choose and write. 仔细看图,选词填空,注意书写规则。(10分)

1. it’s hot today. please wear your2. the are so long.

3. john likes very much. 4. this is ait’s pretty.

5. my neware blue.

look , read and choose. 请选出与所给词相匹配的**。(10分)

)1. clothes a. b. c.

( )2. pants a. b. c.

( )3. carrot a. b. c.

( )4. sheep a. b. c.

( )5. umbrella a. b. c.

read and choose. 根据情景选择句子,并将其字母标号写在括号内。(10分)


a. i like that red skirt. b. i like that green skirt.

) 2.当你问:“我的新袜子在**?” 你应该说:

a. where are my new socks? b. are these my new socks?

) 3. 你去商场想买付手套,售货员见到你时,他应该说:

a. can i help youb. can you help me?

) 4. 你想试一试柜台中的新鞋是否合适,你会说:

a. can i try them on? b. can i h**e a try to it?

) 5. 当你试穿毛衣后 ,正好合身,你决定买下,应该说:

a. oh, it’s too bigb. it is just right. i’ll take it.

look and match. 手牵手,找朋友,将字母标号写在题前括号内。(10分)

)1. are these potatoesa. it’s﹩120.

)2. what colour are the onionsb. seventeen.

)3. how much is this coatc. yes , they are.

)4. how many horses do you h**e? d. no, they’re too small.

)5. are they oke. they’re purple.

complete the dialogue. 看图,选择合适的句子补全会话,只填字母标号即可。(10分)

i. read and number. 请将打乱的句子重新排序,使之成为一段通顺的会话。一个答案已给出。(10分)

) yes. do you h**e any oranges?

) oh! no, thank you. that’s expensive.

) they’re nice. how much?

1 ) can i help you?

) ten yuan for four.

) yes, of course. how about these?

read and choose. 阅读理解,选出正确的一项。只填字母标号即可。(10分)

oh, it’s time to pack my clothes. this is my red t—shirt. these are my blue pants.

and those are my shoes. wait! is this my hat? no, this is amy’s. amy! is this yours

)1. are these sarah’s2. whose shoes are these? blue pants?

a. yes. b. noa. amy’s. b. sarah’s.

( )3. this is amy’s red ( 4. whose hat is this?


a. yesb. noa. amy’s. b. sarah’s.

read, copy and translate. 请用规范的手写体抄写下列句子并翻译成通顺地道的汉语。(10分)

1. how much is this skirt?

汉意。2. are they sheep?

汉意。3. no, they aren’t.

汉意。4. it’s time for english class.汉意。


观音学校2014 2015学年第二学期。四年级英语期末测试卷。满分100分 考试时间 100分钟 期望值 80分出题教师 刘丽英等级。一 将字母表补充完整 13分 aa bb dd ff hhkk mm oo qq ss uu vv xx 二 请按正确的格式抄写下列句子。10分 1.robot wi...


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四年级上册英语期末测试质量分析。一 总体情况 该班总体学习积极性较高,学习氛围较浓。绝大部分学生能自觉完成作业和认真对待学习任务,但也有部分学生经常出现不做,拖拉等现象。因此在总体学习成绩上有很大的不稳定性。本次测试卷稍有难度,特别是阅读理解题和填写单词题,大部分学生失分较多。但是也有部分学生基础知...