外研社 小学 二年级下册1 5模块知识点归纳总结

发布 2023-01-16 01:33:28 阅读 1375


1. 询问天气用: what’s the weather like?

回答用: it’s加:“表示天气形容词”

例:what’s the weather like?

it’s sunny.

例:what’s the weather like?

it’s windy.

例:what’s the weather like?

it’s raining.

2. come on 快点。

come in 进来。

3. let’s = let us “让我们”的意思,后面一定要加动词原形。

例: let’s playing football. (

let’s play football. (

例: let’s swimming. (

let’s swim. (

4. over there 在那边。

例:--where’s my hat?

--it’s over there.

5. on the sofa 在沙发上。

6. in the street 在大街上。

7. rain的形容词形式:rainy





8. 在季节前面直接加in

in spring 在春季 in summer 在夏季

in autumn 在秋天 in winter 在冬季。

例:on summer (

in the summer (

at summer (

in summer (

in winter (

9. like 加上动词的ing 形式表示: “喜欢做某事”

例:i like play football. (

i like plays football. (

i like playing football. (

10. what to do 做什么

11. fly a kite 放风筝。

例:he is flying a kite.

12. be 动词包括 is. am. are.

13. be 动词加上动词的ing 表示: “正在做某事 ”

例 : i am watch tv. (


例 : he listening to the radio. (

因为虽然动词listen加ing 了,但是没有be 动词。

例 : they is watching tv. (

因为虽然有be 动词,也有动词ing,但是be 动词使用的不对,应该把is换成are。

例 : they are playing football. (

14. look at --表示: “看---

例:look at my photos. 看我的**。

look at my desk. 看我的桌子。

15. listen to---表示: “听---

(1) listen to the radio. 听收音机。

(2)listen to music 听**。

16. play with---表示:“ 玩和---一起玩”

注:with 后面如果加某物,表示玩这样物品。

with 后面如果加某人,表示和这个人一起玩。

例:he is playing with his toy car. 他正在玩他的玩具汽车。

he is playing with daming. 他正在和大明玩。

17. (1) read a news***** 看报纸 、读报纸。

例:my mother is reading a news*****. 我妈妈正在看报纸。

2) read a book 看书、读书。

例:my father is reading a book. 我爸爸正在看报纸。

18. talk to --表示: “和---谈话 ”

例:i am talking to sam.

19. in china 在中国。


例:what’s the weather like on beijing? (

what’s the weather like in the beijing? (

what’s the weather like in beijing? (

it’s for my friend fangfang in the china. (

it’s for my friend fangfang in china. (

20. colour the picture 给画涂颜色。

例:he is colouring the picture.

21. write a letter 写信。

例:he is writing a letter.

22. draw a picture 画画。

例:i am drawing a picture.

23. do homework 做作业。

例:i am doing my homework.

24. 一个含有be动词的句子,如果要把这个句子变成否定句,那么就在be动词后面加not。

例:he is playing basketball. (变成否定句)

he is not playing basketball.= he isn’t playing basketball.

例:they are listening to the radio. (变成否定句)

they are not listening to the radio.= they aren’t listening to the radio.

例:i am watching tv. (变成否定句)

i am not watching tv.= i’m not watching tv.

例:she is ten. (变成否定句)

she is not ten.= she isn’t ten

25. row a boat 划船。

例: daming is rowing a boat.

26. she 的对应词是: he

27. new 的反义词是: old

28. ski 的现在分词是 skiing

29. swim的现在分词是 swimming

30 tidy the room 整理房间。

例:he is tidying the room.

31. a birthday card 一张生日卡片。

例:--mum, a birthday card for you !

--thank you.

32. happy birthday! 生日快乐!

33. a picture of --表示:“一幅---的**”

例:he is drawing a picture of flowers.

34. please 后面要加动词的原形,表示:“请---

例:please going to the room. (

please go to the room. (

please tidying your room! (

please tidy your room! (

35. mr. 先生。

ms. 女士。

例:mr. zhang is tidying her room. (

mr. zhang is tidying his room. (

36. play 和球类一起使用的时候,中间什么也不加。

例:play the football (

play football( √

37. hurry up 快点,赶快。

注:相当于come on

38. play a game 做游戏。

例: we are playing a game.

39. play a game with---表示:“ 和---做游戏”

例:daming is playing a game with me.

40. play five-stones 玩五子游戏。

例:i like playing five- stones.

41. put on 穿上

例:please put on your shoes.

42 there’s no time to lose. 没有时间可以浪费了。

44. play clapping games 玩拍手游戏。

例:they are playing clapping games.

45. play catch 玩捉人游戏。

例:they are playing catch in the playground.


46. open the door. 开门。

例:please open the door.

47. play hide-and-seek 玩捉迷藏。

例:daming is playing hide-and-seek with amy and sam.

48. don’t be late! 不要迟到。

例:hurry up!don’t be late!

49 in the playground 在操场上。

a match 在一场比赛(中)

例:some boys are playing football in a match!


外研社 小学二年级下册6 10模块知识点归纳总结

注意 序号接1 5模块 55.表示 在星期几 时,要用 on直接加星期,并且星期的首字母要大写例如 on the sunday in the sunday on sunday on sunday 56.in bed在床上。例如 he is ill in bed.他卧病在床。57.go shoppin...


module1 weather天气like像,如何sunny阳光充足的,阳光明媚的。what stheweatherlike?天气怎么样?windy有风的。take带,拿cap 有帽檐的 帽子sofa沙发street街道。rain下雨snow下雪ski滑雪。module2 radio收音机 电视节目...


weather 天气。like 像,如同。sunny 阳光充足的,阳光明媚的。what stheweatherlike?天气怎么样?windy有风的。take带,拿。cap 有帽檐的 帽子。sofa沙发。street 街道。rain 下雨。snow 下雪。ski 滑雪。radio 收音机 电视节目。...