
发布 2023-01-07 09:47:28 阅读 8508


unit 1where did you go on vacation ?第5课时学习目标:



)1did she spend her vacation?—in the mountains.


)2.—that’s a nice mobile phone.—it is.

my aunt __it for my last buyb. will buyc. h**e boughtd.

bought()3.—wheretina go on vacation last summer?—sheto hainan.

a. did; wentb. does; wentc.

did; god. do; go()4.—_you __football yesterday?

—yes, i did.

a .are, playingb. were , playedc.

do , playd. did, play() mother and iat my homethat snowy night

atb. was, atc. were, ond. was ,at**2不定代词的用法。

)1. a smile costs(值but gives so much.

a. somethingb. anythingc.

nothingd. everything()2. my host family tried to cook __for me when i studied in new zealand.

a. different somethingb. different anything c.

something differentd. anything different()3.—does __know where jack is?

—sorry, we don’t know.

a. someoneb. anyonec. everyoned. any one()4. i didn't meet __there.

a.someone importantb.anyone important c.important someoned.important anyone()5.—who helped you repair your bike?—_i repaired it all by myself.


**3:few, a few, little与a little的辨析;

)1. it is good for the fish to h**e __water plants in the tank(鱼缸)to keep the water pure.

a. littleb. a littlec. fewd. a few()2. there are __interesting places in china.

a.quite a fewb.quite a littlec.fewd.little()3. sorry,i can give only __water to you.

a.a fewb.a littlec.fewd.little

)4. there are __people in front of me in the queue. i h**e to wait for a long time.

a. very littleb. only a fewc.

quite a fewd. quite a little() often plays alone (独自). he has___friends.

—yes. he is too shy to make friends.

a littlec. a fewd. few


)1.—who taught you japanese?—i learnt it by

a. myselfb. myc.

med. mine()2.—did you enjoy __at the party yesterday, karen?

—yes. i had a good time.

a. myselfb. yourselfc. med. you() hope you can do it by___


)1. "where did tina govacation?""she __the mountains.

"a. for the , goes tob. on, went toc.

on , goes tod. for, went on()2. "did he go to central park

a. yes, he doesb. no, he wasn'tc.

yes, he didd. no, he doesn't()3you___football yesterday?""yes, i did.

"playingb. were , playd. did, play

)4."_tom at school last week?""no, he wasn't.

" a. wasb. "your vacation , amy?

""it was pretty good."

isc. where wered. how was二、用括号中所给动词的适当形式填空。

i love vacations. but sometimes istay) at home with my family.

i didn't go out last may day because therebe) too many people everywhere. i __watch) tv in the morning. in the afternoon,i listened to music anddo) some reading.

itwas very relaxing. last weekend,i didn't stay at home. it was sunny all day,so i went to nanxi riverwith my family.

weh**e) great fun playing in the water.





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