
发布 2023-01-07 09:40:28 阅读 3661


unit2how often do you exercise?单元检测(1)

一、根据句意和首字母提示填空,完成下列句子。(10分)1.--how odoes your mother shop?

--twice a week.2. i also like english.

but math is his fsubject.

3. some children often surf the iwith the help of their parents.4.

we uplay soccer on weekdays.5. his father din a car accident.

6. do you know the r___of the football match? knows the answer.

8. her uncle nwatches football match. he doesn’t like football at all.

9. -what is your f**orite tv psports news.

10.--how many tdid you go to beijing?--only once.

二、单项选择选出能填入各句中相应空白处的最佳答案。(20分)11. _more fruits and vegetables is good __our eating; tob.

eats; forc. eating; ford. eat; for12.

—how___do you read english? longb. oftenc.

fard. much

13. a lot of vegetables __you to keep in good makeb. wantc. tryd. help

14. peter is __because he hardly ever tiredb. happyc.

healthyd. unhealthy15. he knows a lot __he is still a sob.

althoughc. butd. or16.

my dad __a lawyer when i grow up.

a. wants me tob. wants me to bec.

became d. wanted17. my mother___surfs the internet, she likes watching doesn’t hardly everb.

hardly everc. isn’t hardly everd. hardly never18.

—_does he do on the weekend?--he often helps his mother with housework..

a. howb. how oftenc. whatd. how soon

19. -what___you usually __on weekends?--i usually __did; do; play the b.

do; do; playc. do; did; play d. do; do; play the20.

-are you late for class

a. yes, neverb. yes, sometimesc.

no, ever d. no, usually21. _he was tired, _he didn’t stop __a.

although, but; to restb. though; /workingc. although; /restingd.

though; but; working22. your lifestyle is the same __

a. to my brotherb. to minec.

as mine d. as my brother23. can you help me __the house?

a. cleaningb. with cleanc.

of cleaningd. clean24. li ming was born___may 11, 1989 __in; onb.

on; inc. in; atd. at; in

25. she always finishes her homework on time. she__le**es it for tomorrow.


a. alwaysb. neverc. usually d. sometimes

26. tony, pass my glass to me, please. i can___read the words in the clearlyb.

ratherc. hardlyd. ever

27. -your spoken english is much better

a. yes, thank youc. you are .

not at all28. lisa __eight hours every night. what about you?

a. eatsb. drinksc.

playsd. _see her in the supermarket.

a. sometime b. some timec sometimesd. some times

30. the doctor tells me i should eat __meat and take __exercise.

a. a little, a fewb. less, morec. many, muchd. much, many三、用所给单词的适当形式填空。(10分)

31. look, the children are doing morningexercise).32.

my brother and i likedrink) coffee.

33. the bird cansing) the “abc” song. it’s very clever.

34. his mother oftenhelp) him to do his homework.

35. there are manydifferent) between you and your twinbrother.36.

i go to the moviesfirst) a month.

37. he’s too young. he canhard) ride a bike.

38. our english teacher likes to wearcolor) clothes,because she wants to be young .

39. a goodeat) habit is good for your health.

40. in winter, my father often goesskate) .四、句型转换根据要求完成句子。(10分)

41. mr. zhang taught him english two years ago.

(改为一般疑问句)__mr. zhanghim english two years ago?42.

lucy put her books on the desk.(对划线部分提问lucy put her books?

43. you’d better not ask your father this question.(改为同义句your father this question, please.

44. mike likes playing football very much.(改为否定句)mikeplaying football.

45. he goes to the park three times a week. (对划线部分提问does he go to the park?


habit, hardly, unhealthy, same, eat, exercise , surf, try, never, different,difference, keep, program

46. we shouldevery day. it’s goodto us.

47. here are somebetween american english and british english.48healthy food is good for you.

49. my pen is red, your pen is green. mine is __from yours.

50. his f**oriteis animal world.

51. we should do some sports andin good health.

52. tom’s mother is angry with him because he always __the internet.


53. i h**e a healthy __i eat a lot of vegetables and drink milk every day.54.

he is kind ofbecause he often eats junk food.55. he is an honest boy.

he __cheat his parents.


it is easier to go downhill than to climb uphill. so it is easier to fall into bad habits than intogood ones. bad habits do not come suddenly.

they come little by little without one beingaware of their danger. school boys first pick up little bad habits in school and on the they can’t write their lessons, they copy from their schoolmates. if they see biggerboys smoking, they also want to learn to smoke.

if they see their friends gambling they wantto gamble. when they get bigger, the habits become stronger and stronger so that they can nolonger get rid of them. from copying they learn to steal, from gambling, they learn to last they become suspected by everybody.

how necessary it is that we get rid of the badhabits in the beginning!

56. it is easier to fall into __than into___a. good habits, bad habitsb.

bad habits, good onesc. bad habits, good one

57. bad habits come___

a. suddenlyb. little by little c. faster and faster

58. where do schoolboys pick up little bad habits first?a. in schoolb. on the street

c. in school and on the street

schoolboys get bigger, their bad habits become___a stronger and strongerb. weaker and weakerc. better and better

60. it is important for usa. to copy with them

b. to learn to steal and cheat

c. to get rid of the bad habits in the beginning


last sunday, my friends wang tao, zhang jun asked me to go_ 76__ swim) with we got to the river. they were swimming in it. but i couldn’t swim.

so i __77___sit)under a big tree and watching a little boy __78__ play) with a ball near the river. but theball _ 79___fall) into the water and he fell into the water, too.

i was standing up and _ 80___call) for help. but my friends _ 81__ be) far from me andthey __82___not hear). so i jumped into the water.

i didn’t know how to swim in it, but i__ 83__(take) the little boy out of the water. his parents thanked me very much. they said,“you are a good boy, a good young pioneer.

”when my friends knew this, they all smiled and _ 84__ say), you _85___swim)now.”


以exercise is a good way to keep health为题目,以“锻炼能使人身心健康、有很多有益的锻炼方式”为内容,写一篇60词短文,推荐给你的朋友。


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