
发布 2023-01-07 09:42:28 阅读 9288

live+to be+n. /adj. 活到…… how long will people live to be?

she lived to be a hundred. 她活了100岁。

5. will there be any ***** money in 100 years? 一百年以后还会有纸币吗?


i'll be back in a week. 我一个礼拜之后回来。

she'll call back in half an hour. 她将会在半个小时后回**。


i'll call you after dinner. 我在午餐后给你**。

he will go back to school after 10 o'clock. 他将在10点钟后返校。

6. what do you think sally will be in five years?

think vt. 想……,常用于以wh-开头的疑问句,注意侯永晨属语序。

who do you think ate the cake?你想是谁吃了这蛋糕?

what sport do you think she will play?你想她将会进行什么运动?

7。短语see sb. do sth.


如:let each man decide for himself. 而help后面加不加to都可以,例如:

mary helped us (to) cook.


1. fall in love with+sb. /sth.与……恋爱,爱上……

i fell in love with this city at first sight. 我对这个城市是一见钟情。

i went to shanghai last year and fell in love with it.

2. hate. v. 憎恶,憎恨/(很)不喜欢(不可用于进行时)

1)hate+n. =don’t like

i can't h**e any pets because my mother hates them/ doesn’t like.

she hates cats.

2)hate+doing / to do...很不喜欢做…

i hate asking for help.

he hates to go shopping.

3)hate sb+doing/to do. 不喜欢……做某事,doing/to do 做补语。

he hates women to smoke / smoking.

i hate to say so, but you did wrong.

3. i might even keep a pet parrot!

情态动词might可以表示允许或请求,也可以表示没有把握的推测,通常可以译为“可能、可以”。might 是may 的过去式,后面跟动词原形例如:it might be difficult for them to talk.


he has a large family to keep.

she keeps a dog and two cats.

the old lady kept the children very well.

4. predicting the future can be difficult as well as embarrassing.


1)predict. v. 预言……,预报……(pre-预先+dict说)


predict tomorrow's weather.


is it possible to predict when one will die?



1. 用现在进行时表将来时(表示按计划安排要发生的事件。)

what are you doing this weekend?

i'm playing soccer with jim.

are you visiting the aquarium tomorrow? yes, we are.

2. 用be going to do表将来时(表示明确的打算或确信某事会发生。)

it is going to rain this afternoon.

we're going to h**e a new subject this year.

3. 用will do表示将来时(表示单纯的将来概念或表示“意愿。”)

i will see you tomorrow.

will you please open the door?


一。汉译英。1.看见某人做某事2.为某人加油。3.暑假4.更喜欢打篮球。5.打排球6.将要做某事。7.许多8.滑冰俱乐部。9.最喜欢的运动员10.效力。11.在将来12.多遗憾啊。13.参加14.两者都。15.长大 16.之一。17.一周两次18.擅长。19.对。有好处20.参加,加入。21.爬山2...

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