
发布 2022-12-18 15:16:28 阅读 5838

unit 1


1. 用法:表示过去某一时间发生的动作或状态。常用的时间状语有:yesterday,last night,ago,in the past,just now等。

2. 构成:(1)主语+动词过去式+……如:he went to the beach yesterday.昨天他去了海边。

2)主语+didn’t+动词原形+……如:he didn’t go to the beach yesterday.昨天他没去海边。

3)did+主语+动词原形+……如:did you go with anyone?你和某人一起去的吗?

4)疑问词+did+主语+动词原形+……如:what did you do last night?你昨晚干什么了?

3. 动词过去式的变化规则:


用法:1.作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。如:everyone is here.每个人都在这儿。

2. 形容词修饰复合不定代词时放在复合不定代词之后。如:did you buy anything interesting?你买有趣的东西了吗?

3. 以some开头的不定代词一般用于肯定句。如:

i want to go somewhere warm.我想去暖和的地方。以any开头的不定代词一般用于疑问句和否定句。

如:i can’t see anything.我什么也看不见。


1. (2019·广东省) sue wasn’t happy because shethe concert given by her f**orite singer.

a. missesb. missedc. will missd. is missing

2. (2019江西) i’ve just returned from my trip to london. i __many interesting places there.

a. visit b. will visit c. am visiting d. visited

3. (2019·山东烟台)—look at my new smart phone.

wow, it's so cool. when and where you it?

a. do, buy b. h**e, bought c. did, buy d. h**e, had

4. (2019·甘肃天水) i don’t want to beelse. i just want to be

a. anybody, myself b. somebody, myself c. everybody, me d. anybody, me

5.(2019·湖北随州)—who lives together with your grandmother?

she lives alone. i often go to see her.

a. nobody b. somebody c. anybody d. everybody

6. (2019·江苏宿迁) —doctor, what’s wrong with me?

___serious. you h**e just got a cold.

a. something b. nothing c. everything d. anything

7. (2019·江苏扬州) bryan will not want to h**e __to do with horses in the future.

a. everything b. something c. anything d. nothing

8. (2019·无锡) tom! you’re no longer a 3-year-old kid.

i can cook dinner for you, but don’t expect me to dofor you. go and tidy your room!

a. everything b. something c. anything d. nothing

1—5 bdcaa 6—8 bca

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