
发布 2022-12-18 14:38:28 阅读 6386

unit 1 how often do you exercise?

重点词组:often多久一次 skateboarding去参加滑板运动 some reading阅读(do some cleaning/cooking/washing) some exercise锻炼=play to the movies=go to the films去看电影 ever几乎不曾 day每天 a week一周一次 a month一个月两次 times a year一年三次 or four times a day一天三四次 f**orite program他最喜欢的节目 the internet网上冲浪chat with others on the internet网上聊天 activity survey学生活动调查 students=most of the students大多数的学生 results of………的结果 for至于 your english提高你的英语 junk food吃垃圾食品 milk/coffee喝牛奶/咖啡 sb. to do sth.

=would like sb. to do sth.想让某人去做某事 good for对…有益---be bad for对…有害 nine hours every night每晚睡九小时 home from school从学校来到家里 habits饮食习惯 to eat a lot of vegetables尽量吃大量的蔬菜(a lot of=lots of=many+可数名词的复数=much+不可数名词) course=certainly=sure当然 after=take care of照顾,关心 a healthy lifestyle拥有健康的生活方式 good grades取得好成绩 sb (to) do sth帮助某人做某事 better学得更好 of unhealthy有点不太健康 the same as与…相同---be different from与…不同 differences between a and b a和b之间的区别,差异 healthy=stay healthy=keep/be in good health保持健康 doing sth一直或持续做某事 the same看起来一样look different看起来不同。










11.我把我的妹妹照顾得很好。(look after/take care of)











often do you exercise? i exercise three or four times a week.

how often多久一次,问频率。频率副词:always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly ever, never表示不确切的频率,通常用在实义动词之前,be动词之后。

她经常上课迟到。she __often late for class.=she often __late for class.

频率短语:every day/week/month/year; once/twice/three times/four times a day/week/month/year; 通常用于谓语单词或短语的后面。 surf the internet twice a week.

注意:一周一两次:once or twice a week;一周两三次:

two or three times a week

does she do on weekends? she often goes shopping.

often do you read english books?

i read english books about twice a week.

are the results of the student activity survey at no. 15 middle school. 名词作定语修饰其他名词时,前面的名词通常用单数,man, woman作定语除外。

apple tree--apple trees, bank clerk--bank clerks; man teacher--men teachers, woman doctor--women doctors

for homework, most kids do homework every day.

as for,至于,谈起,后可跟名词,代词,动名词, as for chocolate, i don’t like it at all. as for myself, i don’t want to go now.

mom wants me to drink milk. she says drinking milk is good for my health.

many hours does he sleep every night?

特殊疑问词how many+可数名词的复数; how much +不可数名词或问**; how long问时间或具体物品的长度; how far问距离。

a good habit of reading news*****s every day.

做某事的习惯:habit of doing sth

watch tv every day, usually when i finish my homework. when当……时候。

eating habits are pretty good. i never eat junk food.

look after my sister well.= i take good care of my sister.

healthy lifestyle helps me get good grades.

weather in beijing is different from the weather in moscow.

are many differences between these two pictures.

i h**e a healthy habit, maybe i am kind of unhealthy. although和but不可同时使用。

sports do you usually play after school?

grandpa is pretty healthy because he exercises every day.

lot of vegetables help you keep in good health.

she is a teacher.=she may be a teacher. maybe是副词,常在句首,may be或许是,大概是,情态动词may加be动词原形,he knows the answer to this question.

=he may know the answer to this question may+动词原形。




a.topic 话题 how do you get to school?b.language goal 语言目标 talk about how to get to places c.words and expression 词汇和词组 subway地铁 地下火车。hey嘿 喂。train火车。for...

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一 翻译词组。1.去看电影。2.动作片。3.京剧。4.看。5.大量,许多。6.因为。7.事实上。8.找到。9.想起。10.替代 的位置。11.干得好。12.尽最大努力。二 根据汉语或首字母提示填写单词。1.my daughter and son are学生 in no.110 middle scho...