
发布 2022-12-18 15:12:28 阅读 7822



1. the bottle is empty. there is __in it. a. nothing b. something c. everything

2. -would you like to h**e __coffee? -no, thanks. i don’t want __drinks now.

a. any, any b. any, some c. some, some d. some, any

3. -there is __milk in fridge. please buy some on your way home. -all right.

a. much b. many c. little d. few

4. we need some more coffee. there is only __left.

a. little b. few c.

a little d. a few

5. did you do __after class or after school?

a. something interesting b. interesting something c.

anything interesting d. interesting anything

6well, everything was really interesting.

a. how did you like it b. how are you c. how do you do d. how is it going

7. -the soccer game was soyes, i felt __with it.

a. bored, boring b. boring, bored c. bored, bored d. boring, boring

8. please turn on the tv. i __what the weather will be like tomorrow.

a. need b. wonder c. wait d. feed

9did you go there with? -i went there with my parents.

a. where b. who c. when d. how

10. i went to my old house last month. it looked the same __before.

a. as b. like c.


11. my brother decided __money to buy a new car. a.

s**e b. s**es c. to s**e d.


12. this week, the weather __to change everyday: one day is hot; the next day is cold.

a. seems b. looks c. sounds d. feels

13. -look! thee is a horse racing program on tv now. -hmm… it __exciting.

a. seems b. looks like c. feels d. seems like

14. betty arrived __london __the evening of june 1st. a.

at, in b. at, on c. in, in d.

in, on

15. -don’t worry. my mother will look after you baby __

a. careful enough b. enough carefully c. carefully enough d. enough careful

16. the family had to stay at hotel, _it was raining hard.

a. because b. because of c. until d. unless

17. because i got up very late this morning, _i was late for class. a. but b. /c. so

18. you can do nothing but __a. to wait b. waiting c. wait d. waited

19. -i usually go there by train. -why not __by boat for a change?

a. to try going b. try to go c. to try and go d. try going

20. i feel like __some tea. a. drink b. to drink c. drinking d. to drinking


are all kinds of活动) in our school.

keeps a日记) every day. is a tall __build) in front of my house.

grandfather bought a new自行车) as a gift for my birthday.

you go any绝妙的) places on vacation?

1. yesterday i cooked dinner for

2. they felt a littlein the countryside.

3. shehistory because she thinks it is boring.

4. it started raining so we made ato go home.

5. there are manybetween the two pictures.


1.我感觉我到了另一个世界。 ii reached another world.


did you go to the bookstorei boughtbooks.


alice went tofun places this summer vacation.

4.我想知道过去这的生活是什么样的。 i wonder what life was like here


ipenan in malaysia this morning


i just stayed at hometo read and relax.


we __over an hour __the train because there werepeople.

8.去年我们在那儿照了不少相片。 wephotos.

iv.连词成句 (注意第五小题的变化哟)

1. vacation, go ,you ,did, on ,where

2. for ,father, my, ,i, bought, something

3. makes, a, day, what, difference, a

4. trip, feel, how, did, you, about, the

5. what , was, here, like , i, the ,in ,wonder, life, past

v.写作。写作指导: 三步五要素写日记


2)五要素:who, where, when, what ,how 写清人物,地点,时间,活动,感受。


1) 日记格式先写日期和天气,日期的顺序为日期、月、日、年。

2) 表述当天发生的事用一般过去时 3)表达自己的观点或思想感情时,时态用一般现在时。

训练: 上周日(6月3日)天气晴朗,你和同学们参观了天安门广场,故宫和长城,你们玩的很开心。根据提示写一篇日记,可自由发挥。要求:格式正确,语序通顺。 70词左右。

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