
发布 2023-01-07 03:52:28 阅读 8341

unit 10 it’s a nice day, isn’t it?


例1 写出下列句子的附加疑问句。

(1) she speaks english , doesn’t she?

(2) he doesn’t come from dongying , does he?

(3) there is little water in the bottle, is there?

解题思路〗1)句是一个前肯后否的附加疑问句。(2)是一个前否后肯的附加疑问句。(3),如果在一个句子中,有no, never ,nothing ,few ,little 等否定意义的单词时,附加疑问句用肯定形式。

例2 改错。

you need to draw two pictures , needn’t you ?

needn’t →don’t


例1 (2005湖北咸宁)

-jim,please copy the new words in this lesson,__

-but i copied them yesterday evening.

you you you

解题思路〗祈使句的反意疑问句,若前面是否定结构,则附加问句只能用“will you”。若前面是肯定结构,附加问句可用“will you”,也可用“won’t/would/can/can’t you”或“shall we”等,它形式上是反意疑问句,但并不表示正式的疑问句,也不表示反意,而是表示邀请或表示请求。所以答案为d。











going to rain ,you’d better take an u___

is a b___selling all kinds of books near our school.

can’t le**e your baby son a___in the house.

smiths usually h**e lunch at home at __

a___this road and take the second turning on the left.


apartment is big,__don’ t you/isn’t it)?

like action movies. they’ re exciting,__are they/ aren’t they)?

you always gone to this school? no,__i h**en’ t/i didn’t).

you waiting for the bus? yes,__i’ve been waiting for two hours./i didn’t wait for it an hour ago.

)s going to rain,__isn’t it/is it)?

are going to sandy beach,__aren’t we/aren’t you)?

isn’t going to h**e the concert tonight,__isn’t he/is he)?

23. —i hate rainy daysso do i/so i do).

prices in this market are very___high/expensive).

will come back___by the noon/by noon).


should be careful whilecross) the street.

nice watch is at __little) one hundred yuan.

you __see) that man in blue before?

father is h**ing his __thirty ) birthday party.

traffic __be) very busy at this time.


like thrillers是吗)?

32.—would you like something to drink?

yes, please. i’ d love一点柠檬汁).

you like小提琴乐曲)?

has been___the___练吉他)for a long time.

35.—i usually take the taxi to schooli(我也是).

you___an___带雨伞)?it’ s raining.

s真热)today, isn’t it?

likes playing soccer是吗)?

go to the water world好吗)?

stand too close to everyone好吗)?


) looks like___doesn’t it?

a. rain b. rains c. raining d. raining

( )english teacher is good. he __english very interesting.

a. makes b. feels c. finds d. thinks

( )do you __with your classmates?

along. b. go on

c. get along d. get in

) teacher has just graduated from school, so he is __to his work.

a. oldb. young c. polite d. new

( )45. -how do you go up and down the high building?

we use

a. a ladder b. a line

c. an elevator d. foot

( )46. -how much does the book___

about eight dollars.

a. spend b. cost

c. take d. pay

( )47. -h**e a good day today!

a. yes, it is . b it’s really fine.


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