
发布 2022-12-14 12:36:28 阅读 5082

1. 玩得高兴;过得愉快h**e a good time =h**e fun=enjoy oneself

2. 待在家里stay at home

3. 乘公交车take the bus(动词短语)/by bus(介词短语)

4. 与某人交谈talk with sb.(侧重双方的交流)

5. 与某人谈话talk to sb.(侧重一方在说,另一方在听)

6. 与某人谈论某事talk with sth.

7. 计划做某事plan to do sth.

8. 让某人做某事;请求某人做某事;要求某人做某事ask do sth.

9. 太。以至于不能做某事too+adj.+to do sth.

例如:he is too tired to go on working.他太累了,以至于不能继续工作了。

10. 如此。以至于such/so...that+从句(注意such和so 的区别)

例如:she is such a good girl that we all like her.她是如此优秀的一个女孩以至于我们都喜欢她。

she is so good a girl that we all like her.她是如此优秀的一个女孩以至于我们都喜欢她。

11. 足够。可以做某事 be + adj./adv.+ to do sth.

he is old enough to go to school.他的年龄可以上学了。(他年龄足够大,可以上学了)

he is not old enough to go to school.他年龄不足以上学。(他年龄不够大,不可以上学)

12. 环游世界tr**el around the world

13. 赚钱make money 赚很多钱 make a lot of money

14. 接受教育get an education 接受良好的教育get a good education

15. 做某事有困难/麻烦/问题 h**e difficulty/trouble/problems+with sth.

h**e difficulty/trouble/problems +(in) doing sth.

16. 一直做某事keep doing sth.

17. 最后;最终;终于in the end=at last=finally

18. 在。的末端;在。结束的时候at the end of...

19. 犯错误make a mistake/make mistakes

20. 犯粗心的错误 make careless mistakes

21. 错误地by mistake

22. 把a误认为是b mistake a for b

23. 与某人分享某事/物 share sb.

24. 尝试做某事try doing sth.

25. 尽力做某事try to do sth.

26. 尽某人最大努力做某事try one’s best to do sth.

27. 需要做某事need to do sth.

28. 某事做成了一半 be halfway to doing sth.

29. 一些建议some advice=some suggestions

30. 给某人带来某物bring sb.

31. 待在外面stay out

32. 决定做某事decide to do sth.

33. 保守秘密keep...to oneself

34. 分成两半in half

35. 关于某事给某人建议advise sb. on/about sth.

36. 让某人进入let sb. in

37. 担心(强调动作)worry about(此处worry 是动词)

38. 担心(强调状态)be worried about(此处worried 是形容词)

39. 不敢做某事be afraid to do sth.

40. 记得做过某事remember doing sth.

41. 记得去做某事remember to do sth.

42. 与。相同the same(..as...

43. 在下午五点以前 by five (o’clock)


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