
发布 2022-12-14 12:33:28 阅读 3228

unit seven , will people h**e robots?

1. in one hundred years 一百年后,in+一段时间,表“在…之后”,用于将来时,须用how soon提问;

= one hundred years from now.

2. acupof一杯; asliceofbread一片面包;

3. a piece of ***** 一张纸=a sheet of *****; 注意:*****s 指报纸,**,试卷;


5. on computers用电脑,通过电脑; on computer在电脑上;on *****在纸上。

6. live to be two hundred years old活到200岁= live to two hundred years old

live to the age of two hundred;

7. live to do sth. 为做某事而活着;(不定式表目的);not live to do sth. 不为做某事而活着;

the earth 在地球上; space station太空站; in space 在太空

radio/ police /railway/ bus station 广播电台/警察局/火车站/公交车站;

9. liveontheearth居住在地球上; liveonaspacestation生活在空间站。

a part in sth. 参与某事; play a part in doing sth. 参与做某事;在做某事中起重要作用;


playa… partin= play a role in 在…中扮演着…的角色;

11. over and over again多次;反复地。

12. get bored变得厌倦,感到厌倦的;be bored with sth. 对某事感到厌倦的= get bored with sth.

13. such+(n.)+that 如此…以至于…




atmospheric / water / noise pollution 大气/ 水/ 噪声污染;

17. more crowded 更拥挤;more/less pollution更多/更少的污染 ;more polluted污染更严重;





across the street from here 在街对面;cross = go/walk across; crossing 十字路口;






清新的空气; fresh water 纯净水。

29. in home 某人在家拥有某物; be at home 某人在家。

30. more /fewer people更多/更少的人。

31. more/less free time更多/更少的休闲时间。

32. move to other planets 搬到其他星球上。

33. use less water 节约用水。

34. plant more trees 多种树。

35. s**e the earth 拯救地球。

36. world peace世界和平; in peace 平静地; peaceful (adj.) 平静的;宁静的;和平的;

37. in the sea 在海里。

38. build more buildings多盖楼。

39. near here= in the neighborhood 在附近。

40. in the country=in the countryside 在乡村。

41. in the factory = at the factory 在工厂。

42. build cars 制造车。

43. do ****** jobs 做简单的工作。

44. such jobs 这样的工作。

45. disagree with sb. 不同意某人。

46. hundreds of许多,大量;成百上千。

47. snake robots 蛇形机器人。

48. twenty years ago 20年前。


50. more like 更像。

51 a news***** reporter报社记者; as a reporter 作为记者。

52. during the week 在工作日。

53. wear smart clothes穿时髦的衣服。

54. one day 总有一天。

55. in life 在生活中。


57. as … as possible 尽可能…= as … as one can; 反义词 impossible (adj.)不可能的;

as soon as possible 尽可能快(时间); as fast as possible 尽可能快(速度);

as quickly as possible 尽可能快(动作); as early as possible 尽可能早(时间);




不同意某人的意见; agreewithsb. 同意某人的意见;

disagreeto do sth. 不同意做某事; agreeto do sth. 同意做某事;

64. be free 空闲的,免费的; 作空闲讲=be not busy =h**e time;

在未来; in future = from now on 以后,今后; in the near future = soon不久,近期;

处于(巨大的)危险中; out of danger 脱离危险;

it’s dangerous to do sth. 做某事是危险的; (adj.) dangerous 反义词 safe (adj.)安全的;



70. putin放进;安装; put…on…;把…放在…上;put on 穿上; put off推迟,延期;


72. mixup混合在一起。

在顶部。74. wake up醒来; wake sb. up 叫醒某人;

75. fall down(人)跌倒,摔倒;(房屋等)倒塌;fall behind 落在…后面;fall asleep 入睡; fall off 从…掉下来; fall into 掉到…里;陷入(困难); fall ;fell ;fallen);

… than 比某某多 (可数、不可数皆可) ;he has more money than you.;

+ 可数名词复数 + than 比某某少 ; john studies fewer subjects than tom.;

+ 不可数名词 + than 比某某少i ate less food than you.;

79. the most +可数名词复数/不可数名词 ;“在某某当中是最多的”

lily has the most pocket money in her class. ;

80. the fewest + 可数名词复数在某某当中是最少的”; who picked the fewest apples today?;

81. the least + 不可数名词 ; 在某某当中是最少的” ;daniel did the least work yesterday.;

82. it’s+ (adj.)+for sb. to do sth. 对某人来说,做某事是…的。


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unitone where did you go on vacation?1.go on vacation 去度假 go ona vacation go for a vacation take a vacation去度假 be on vacation 在度假 go to sp.on vacation...