
发布 2022-12-14 12:34:28 阅读 4384

unit two,how often do you exercise?

1. not…at all一点儿也不;根本不;

几乎从不;= almost never;

hardly (adv.)几乎不; 位于“实前系后”,否定含义,反意疑问句附加句,用肯定形式;

垃圾食品;healthy food健康食品;

上网,浏览因特网;=go online; surf 冲浪;

5. use the internet上网;use of the internet 网络的使用;on the internet在因特网上;通过互联网;

6. go online 上网(强调动作); be online 在上网(强调状态);

健康生活方式; be good for my health对我的健康有好处。

8. be ingoodhealth身体健康= be healthy;

be inbadhealth身体不健康= beinpoorhealth;

(n.) healthy(adj.);反义词是unhealthy;另外 healthily(adv.);反义词是unhealthily;

保持健康。保持健康= stayhealthy= keep fit;

keep away from 远离; keep up with跟上; keep off使让开; keep the record保持记录; keep quiet保持安静=be quiet;

12. be healthy for sth. 有益于…健康the mind and the body 身心;

be healthy for the mind and the body 有益于身心健康;

相当健康= smart;

每周一两次; once a week=one time a week 一周一次;

at once 立刻、马上; once again再一次; once in a while偶尔地;

eleventimes十到十一次; one to four times 一到四次; a few times几次;

饮食习惯; good habits好习惯; bad habits 坏习惯;

17. old habits die hard 旧习难改。

for对…有益 ;be bad for对…有害;

请区分:begood for;begood to;begood with(善于应付,相处融洽);begood at ;

free = be not busy = h**e time 有空。

19. exercise=take exercise=do sports=h**e sports=play sports=do some exercising 做运动;

do morning exercises做早操; do eye exercises做眼操;

tothe movies=go to a movie=go to the cinema=go to see a film=go to see a movie去看电影;

result(s) of …的结果as a result 因此,结果;

22. help with housework 帮助做家务 ; do housework 做家务 ;

23. sometime is quite full for sb. 某时对某人来说非常忙;

24. read = do some reading读书。

25. on weekends = on the weekend= at the weekend= at weekends 在周末;

26. on weekdays 在平日。

27. drink coffee 喝咖啡。

28. no.5 high school students 五中学生。

29. in their free time在他们的空闲时间; their free time activities 他们业余时间的活动。

30. here you are. 给你here are the results.结果在这。(倒装)

31. fifteen percent of our students 15%的学生;

the other ten percent of our students其余的10%的学生。

how many percent of the students 百分之多少的学生;

32. use the internet for fun 为了娱乐使用英特网;

for funand not for homework 为了娱乐而非家庭作业;

33. thebest way to relax 放松最好的办法;.the best way to do sth. =the best way of doing sth.

34. through exercise 通过运动。

35. before it’s too late为时不晚,不要等到太晚才…;

36. a 16-year –old student 一名16岁的学生。

37. the answers to the questions about watching tv 关于看电视这个问题的答案;

the answer to sth. 某某的答案;

38. swing dance 摇摆舞。

39. the most popular 最受欢迎的。

40. such as 例如,像….这样;=like,可互换; 但such… as则不可与like互换。

exercise such as playing sports像体育运动这样的锻炼形式;

41. stay up 熬夜=sit up ; stay up late 熬夜到很晚= go to bed late ; go to sleep 睡觉 ;

go to bed **睡觉; go to bed early 早早**睡觉;

看牙医= go to the dentistteeth cleaning 清洗牙齿;洗牙;

go to the dentist for teeth cleaning为了清洗牙齿去看牙医;


time with sb. 和某人一起度过时光;spend time with your friends与朋友共度美好时光;

sb. about sth. 向某人询问某事。

soon as 一…就…;

come? 怎么会? 怎么回事? =why;

now此时/现在; atthatmoment=just then ;那时,刚才;

day 每天= each day;为副词词组;everyday 日常的=daily;为形容词;

50. it’s+(adj.)+for sb.) to do sth.做某事(对某人来说)是…的。

it’s important for sb. to do sth. 做某事对某人来说是重要的。

your f**orite…? 你最喜爱的…是什么?

52. by doing sth. 通过做某事;

by using the internet通过使用网络; by watching game shows 通过看游戏节目;

by + 动名词; 表方式,通过…方式; by reading 通过阅读;

by + 地点名词; 表方位,在…旁边;by the seashore ;在海边;

③by + 时间名词; 表时间,在…之前;by now ;到现在为止;

by + 交通工具; 表交通,乘坐…交通工具;by bus ;乘坐公共汽车;

53. full的三种用法:①full 意为“忙的”=busy;反义词为free空闲的;


full 意为“吃饱的”,反义词为hungry,饥饿的;

be full of sth. =be filled with sth. 充满某某;

one’s mind 改变主意; keep … in mind 牢记在心;

make up one’s mind (to do sth.)下定决心;= decide = make a decision ;

would you mind (one’s) doing sth. ?你介意(某人)做某事吗?

55. die (v.)消失,灭亡,死亡; die-died-died; death (n.)死; the death of sb.某人的死;

dead(adj.) 死了的; dying(adj.)快要死的;

die of 死于…(自身内因die from死于…(外部外因);

surprised at sth. 对某事感到惊奇;be surprised to do sth. 惊奇地做某事;


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