
发布 2023-01-07 01:24:28 阅读 7261

英语试题。考试时间 120 分钟,满分120分)


一、听句子,选画面。(每小题1分, 共5分)



二、听短文,连信息。(共5 小题,每小题1分,共5分)



你将听到两段对话,请根据内容,选出每个问题的正确答案, 并将其字母标号填入题前的括号内。短文读两遍。

请听第 1 段对话,回答第11—12小题, )11. what’s alice doing ?

a. sending an email. b. talking on the phone. c. booking some tickets.

)12. what does lin do ?

a. she’s a writerb. she’s a singerc. she’s a manager.

请听第 2 段一段对话,回答13--15小题。

)13. who will h**e dinner with the man ?

a. jimb. janec. joe

( )14 .what will they h**e diner?

a. sichuan food b. guangdong food c. hainan food

)15. when will they meet ?

a. at 7:00b. at 7:30c. at 6:30



)16. what was the news about ?

a. houses b. carsc. trains

)17. what was mary doing when she heard the news ?

a. playing computer gamesb. reading a news*****

c. playing cards with her friends

)18. who was drinking when he/she heard the news ?

a. kateb. kate’s father c. jack

) 19. what was kate doing when she heard the news ?

a. watching tv b. reading a news***** d. playing computer games

) 20. why was jim sleeping then ?

a. because he had a fever (发烧b. because he was tired

c. because he had a bad cold




)21. tony is interested in stamps. he has a __of different stamps.

a. collectb. collecting c. collection d. collected

)22. there are some books on the floor. will you __for me?

a. to pick up it b. to pick them up c. pick it up d. pick them up.

)23. many students like playing basketballjim, tom and ken.

a. example b. seemc. such asd. with

)24. could you tell me___

a. when did tom come backb. when does tom come back

c. when tom will come backd. when will tom come back

)25. tom is __honest boy.

a. anb. ac. the d. /

)26. -betty won’t come with us because she was ill.

a. that’s bad b. excuse me c. sorry d. that’s a pity

)27. we are all tired. so we decide to stop __

a. to work b. work c. working d. to working

)28. i h**e to go now . please remember __the lights when you le**e.

a. to turn off b. turning down c. to turn up d. turning on

( )29. —thank you for inviting us.

a. forget it b. that’s good. c. i’m sorry d. don’t mention it

)30. my father warns me __in the sea alone.

a. swimming b. not to swim c. to swim d. not swim

)31. we shouldn’t spend __time playing computer games.

a. much too b. too much c. many too d. too many

)32the dog! it’s dangerous.

a. look out for b. look out of c. look for d. look

)33. i don’t know if it __tomorrow. if it __tomorrow, i won’t go home

a. rains; rains b. will rain; rains c. rain; rain d. will rain; rain

)34. tom said he __to school yesterday.

a. didn’t go b. doesn’t go c. won’t go d. go

)35. it is getting hotter __

a. day after day b. day by day c. by the day d. days by days



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