人教版英语八年级上册unit9练习 附答案

发布 2023-01-06 15:43:28 阅读 6711



unit 9知识点开心练。

section a


1. i like music and i h**e a piano l___once a week.2.

this skirt is not nice. please show me a___3.—w___are you going to tibet with?

my brother.4. jay chou is a great singer. he is h**ing a c___in shanghai.

5.—what is lisa doing?

i am not sure. m___she is going shopping.


too many, too much, much too1. there are __people in the subway. it is crowded.

2. the computer is __expensive. i don’t h**e so much money to buy it.

3. i h**e __work to do this weekend. i h**e no time to go out with you.

another, the other4. my camera doesn’t work. i want to buy __one.

5.—do you know the two boys over there?—yes, i do.

one is mike and __is bob.

can, h**e to6. it’s raining now, so we __stay at home.

7you play ping-pong with me this weekend?

sorry, i can’t.


1. the speech contest is on sunday morning. (就画线部分提问the speech contest?

2. can you go fishing with me this afternoon? (改为同义句)__yougo fishing with me this afternoon?

3. she has to do her homework first. (改为否定句)shedo her homework first.

4. i’m visiting my grandmother next week. (就画线部分提问)

you __next week?5. i can go swimming with you at this weekend.

(改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答swimming with me at this weekend?金戈铁骑。


can you go to the movie with me?b: (1a:

this (2i h**e to look after my mother. she is that’s too bad. (3

b: thank you. you can ask mike to go with (4b:

i think he may h**e time. and he likes watching that’s great! (5i hope he can go with me.

a. does he h**e time?b. do you like it?c. i’d love to, but when is it?

d. i am going to call i’m sorry, i can’t.

f. what is he doing tomorrow?g. i hope she feels better soon.

section b


1. i can’t visit you today. how about __明天)?

2. what time do you usually get up on工作日)?3.

are you有空的) on saturday evening?4. i watched tv the整个的) afternoon yesterday.

5. my f**orite subject is化学).


1. thanks for __help) me with my math.2.

tom would like __go) camping with his father this sunday.3. can bobplay) tennis with us on sunday?

4. he __h**e) to go to the doctor. he has a cold.

5. please __come) to the culture club this evening.

6. her parents are not at home next weekend, so she’s __babysit) her little sister.7.

he is going to the supermarket __buy) some milk.8. i finished __write) the letter last night.



you shouldin the library.2.你为何不加入我们一起玩游戏呢?

why don’tyouin the game?金戈铁骑。


i usually __my mother

___the room.4.我想让你照顾我的小狗。

i want youmy little dog.5.他们正在努力学习准备数学考试。

they are tryingthe math test.6.朱莉娅昨天顺便拜访了我家。

juliamy house yesterday.7.下个星期天约翰将和朋友们一起去远足。

johnwith his friends next sunday.8.你这周末有小提琴课吗?

do youthis weekend?


1. not all the animals sleep __night.2. she went to the market __sunday morning.

3. i’m free __4 pm. you can come before 4 pm.

4. my sister goes to work __

monday __friday.5. there is going to be a football

match __7:00 pm __tuesday.6.

i’m going to the movies __sam___the evening.7. it’s the september 21st, and the day __tomorrow is the 23rd.

8. thank you a lot __your invitation __your birthday party.


)1. what’s today?

)2. how about next monday?( 3. why can’t you go to the baseball game?

)4. can i watch the soccer match this afternoon?

)5. what are you doing next saturday?( 6. when is lily’s birthday party?

a. sorry, i am busy on that i’m going to stay at home.

c. it’s saturdaythe 27th.

d. it’s at 6:00 this evening.

e. because i h**e to do my i’m sorry, you can’t. you should study for the test.


section a

i. 1. minutes 2. takes 3. kilometers

4. quick 5. early

ii. 1. twelve 2. twenty-three

3. thirty-four 4. forty-five

5. fifty-six 6. sixty-seven

7. eighty-one 8. ninety-nine

9. one hundred and six

10. one hundred and thirty

iii. 1. on foot; walk

2. by train; took a train

3. by bike / bicycle; rides a bike / bicycle

4. by taxi; take a taxi

5. by car; take a car

iv. 1. how is

2. don’t take

3. don’t think; is

4. took; to do

5. he usually takes the subway to go out.

v. 1-5 fcgbe

section b

i. 1.步行2.动身去。


5.一小部分的6. get up

7. look at

8. take a boat / by boat

9. (be) different from

10. subway station

ii. 1. worried 2. walking / to walk

3. took 4. tell 5. see

6. speaking 7. does; get8. to finish

9. more10. to go

iii. 1. to ride 2. took

3. by train4. bus stop

5. quick6. means

7. live

8. depends on

9. river10. get to

iv. 1. le**e; for 2. is different from

3. ill in the hospital

4. parts of

5. what; think of 6. not all; playing

7. the number of; is

8. so; worries about

v. 1. four 2. five 3. by bicycle

4. car 5. forty-nine金戈铁骑。


unit 9 a 1barty 来我的派对。2.on saturday a在星期六下午。3.i i can t.对不起,我不能。4.h e to do sth.必须做某事。5.help my parents 帮助我的父母。6.that s too bad.那是太糟糕了。7.how about you...


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