八年级期终质量评估英语试题5 附答案

发布 2023-01-06 15:42:28 阅读 9059


1. 本试卷分为试题卷和答题卷两部分。

2. 全部答案必须按要求写在答题卷中对应题号的方格里或横线上,要求书写工整、规范、卷面整洁。

3. 本试卷含听力和笔试两个部分,共五道大题,满分120分,时量90分钟。

part 1 听力部分 (20分)



第二节对话理解听下面的对话,从题中所给的a 、b 、c三个选项中选择最佳答案。


6. what will they probably do next ? w w w . x k b o m

a. go on with the work b. stop doing the work c. go home


7. how did the girl come to school today ?

a. by bike b. by bus c. on foot


many bananas do they need ?

a. one b. two c. three


did the woman go last week ?

a. to the shop b. to a park c. to school


does the woman want to be ?

a. a policewoman b. a college student c. a basketball player


11. what’s the matter with jane ?

a. she has a fever b. she has a headache c. she has a toothache

12. what’s she going to do ?

a. to do some exercise b. to drink some hot tea c. to h**e a rest


13,when is dad’s birthday ?

a. this wednesday b. this thursday c. this friday

14. what will the boy buy for his dad ?

a. a watch b. a book c. a cd player

will help the boy make the cake ?

a. her grandma b. her mum c. her sister


part 2 笔试部分(100分)



21.—what’s the matter with sam?

—he hurt __a___

b. herself c. itself

__c__ you talk to your parents ? 新课标第一网。

a. doesb. notc. don’t

trying to sleep. could you please __b___the music ?

a. turn on b. turn down c. turn up

24— where is your brother ? a

—he’s __a___the palace museum.

a. gone to b. been to c. go to

25. —how does jim often go to school ?

he__c___ride a bike , but now he __taking a bus.

a. used to , used to is used to , used to c. used to , is used to

shouldn’t play computer games __b___late at night.

a. although b. until c. so that

__c___my hair when she called me.

a. washing b. wash c. was washing, mary looks sad . let’s go and __c___

a. cheer up her b. cheer him up c. cheer her up

29.__b___doctors are against h7n9 in china.

a. two thousands b. thousands of c. thousand of

30. —a___h**e you stayed in this city ?

—for about five years.

a. how long b. how soon c. how often

31.—could you please take out the rubbish ?

—__b___i dislike it

a. yes, sureb. sorry , i can’t c. i’m sorry to hear that.

was singing __b___lily was dancing.

a. so b. while c. since

parents are always comparing their children __c___other children.

a. from b. toc. with

34. jim __a___his father .

a. looks like b. looks up c. looks through

35.—can you finish _c___these books before 10 o’clock ?

—yes, i can.

a. to read b. read


we live in computer age (时代). people36scientists, teachers, writers and even students use computers to do all kinds of work. but more than 30 years ago,37 couldn't do much.

they were very big and expensive. very38 people were interested in them and knew how to use them. today computers are smaller and39 .

but they can do a lot of work; many people like to use them. some people40 h**e them at home.

computers become very important because they can work__41__than people and make fewer mistakes. computers can42 people do a lot of work. writers now use computers to43 .

teachers use them to help teaching. students use them to44 . computers can also remember what you__45___them.

computers are very useful and helpful. they are our friends. do you want to h**e a computer?

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