
发布 2022-12-30 04:18:28 阅读 3109

unit 1 how often do you exercise?

section a

key words and phrases

1. exercise v. &n. 锻炼;运动。


do morning exercise做晨练 do eye exercises做眼保健操。


take exercise做运动 now i exercise every day. 现在我每天锻炼身体。

2. time n. 次;次数。

“次数”的表达方法:“一次”once; “两次”twice;

“三次或三次以上”用基数词加上times,如three times, five times, one hundred times

eg: how many times do you wash your teeth a day? 你一天刷几次牙?


eg: it’s time to get up.起床的时间到了。

i h**e no time to write my *****. 我没时间写**。

3. active adj. 活跃的;积极的。

eg: i like red best, because i think it’s an active colour.


搭配: -be active in 在某方面很积极 --take an active part in 积极参加。

拓展:act v. 行动;表演 actively adv. 积极地 activity n. 活动。

actress n. 女演员 actor n. 男演员 action n. 动作;开拍(电影)

4. as for 至于;关于。

后接名词,代词或v. +ing形式,多用于句首,表示强调。

1)as for the chocolate, i don’t like it at all. 至于巧克力,我一点点都不喜欢。

2)as for sports, i like basketball very much. 至于运动,我非常喜欢打篮球。

main sentences

1. how often do you watch tv? 你多久看一次电影?

“how often +do/does(助动词)+主语+do(实义动词)..该句型用于询问做某事的。

频率,是对动作发生的“次数”提问,--多久一次”,回答:every day./once a

week./three times a week. 等。

-- how often do you play computer games?你多长时间玩一次电脑游戏?

-- twice a week. 一星期两次。

拓展:1)how many “多少”,后跟可数名词复数形式,用来提问数量。

2)how much“多少”,后跟不可数名词,用来提问数量或询问**。

3)how long“多长”,用来提问时间或距离。

4)how soon“多久以后”,用来提问某人要过多久以后才做某事,回答一般用。


5)how far“多远”,用来询问。

unit 6 i’m more outgoing than my sister.

section a

key words and phrases

1. mean v. 表示……的意思;作……的解释。

1)mean v. 意为“表示……的意思;作……的解释”

eg: what does the phrase mean? 这个短语是什么意思?

2)名词形式为meaning, 意为“意思,意义”。

eg: what’s the meaning of this word? 这个词是什么意思?

2. both pron. 两个(都);两者(都)

why not buy both? 为什么不把两件都买下?

拓展:1)both 可做形容词,意为“双方的,两者的”。

eg: both of the boys = both boys = both the boys 两个人男孩都。


eg: we both like english. 我们都喜欢英语。

3) both 构成短语“both...and...意为“两者都”

both tom and tina like singing. 汤姆和蒂娜都喜欢唱歌。

3. however adv. 然而。


eg: i feel a bit tired. however, i can hold on. 我有点累了,但我能坚持下去。

拓展:but 意为“但是”,是并列连词,连接两个并列的分句,常被置于后一分句。


eg: he is a boy, but he knows a lot of things.他虽然是个孩子,但懂得许多事。

main sentences:

1. liu ying is not as good at sports as her sisters. 刘英不如她的妹妹擅长体育。

1)be good at 意为“擅长”,后接名词,代词或v.-ing 形式。

eg: my friend is good at english / running.



this book is as interesting as that one (is). 这本书与那本书一样有趣。

拓展:not as / so...as...意为“……不如……”

eg: tom isn’t as / so tall as me. =i’m taller than tom. 汤姆没有我高。

2. she’s a little more outgoing than me. 她比我更外向一点。

a little 意为“一点儿”,在此修饰形容词比较级。

eg: i feel a little better now. 我现在感觉好一点了。

拓展:英语中可以修饰形容词比较级的词还有:much, far, by far, a lot, lots, a bit, a little


1)he’s feeling a lot better today. 他今天感觉好多了。

2)she’s actually far older than she looks. 她实际上比她看起来老多了。

易混辨析:tall 与high

1) 指人,动物,树木等有生命的东西的高度,主要用tall,不用high。

eg: a tall woman一个高个子妇女 a tall horse 一匹高大的马。

2)表示不与地面接触的人或物的高时,要用high, 而不用tall。

he is high up in the tree. 他高高地爬在树上。



5) tall的反义词为short, high的反义词是low.

section b

key words and phrases

1. laugh v. 为不及物动词,可以用于短语laugh at, 意为“嘲笑”。

eg: the jokes made everyone laugh. 那些笑话使每个人都笑了起来。

they laugh at him. 他们讥笑他。

拓展:laugh n. 意为“笑,笑声”

eg: she g**e a hearty laugh. 她爽朗地笑了起来。

2. interest n. 兴趣;爱好。

1)做名词时,意为“兴趣”,为不可数名词。常见短语show / h**e interest in

(doing) sth. ,意为“对……表现出/有兴趣”;

she showed great interest in the meeting. 她对这次会议表现出极大的兴趣。


he has two great interests. one is sports and the other is music.



1)interested adj. 常见结构 be interested in (doing) sth. 意为“对(做)……感兴。


2) interesting adj. 描述事或物,意为“令人感兴趣的”,既可以做表语,也可以。

作定语。eg: i’m interested in the interesting book. 我对这个有趣的书感兴趣。

main sentences

1. i like to h**e fiends who are like me. 我喜欢拥有像我一样的朋友。


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