
发布 2022-12-29 23:00:28 阅读 9609

unit 7

把…倒进…里cut up切碎turn on打开turn off关上put…into/on把…放进…里或放在…上mix up混合add…to把…加在…里 teaspoon of一茶匙a cup of一杯a piece of一张/片/块a glass of一玻璃杯a slice of一薄片 sauce番茄酱turkey slices火鸡肉片 another slice of bread on thetop把另外一片面包放在上面这就是…的烹调方法/食谱6. check you h**e all the ingredients检查你是否备好了所有的材料考点:

up the bananas=,cut the bananas up=cut them up

mix up the yogurt=mix the yogurt up=mix it up名词位置可前可后,而代词them/it只能够放在中间。

need 3 apples.--how many apples do you need?i need 2 cups of cinnamon.

--how much cinnamon do you need?此题针对不可数名词cinnamon提问,所以用how much

how many cups of cinnamon do you need?此题针对可数名词cup提问,所以用how many


blenders,watermelons,turkeys火鸡,tomatoes,fruit具体某一种,poppers,ovens,sandwiches, recipes, ducks, pancakes, onions不可数名词:

smoothie,milk,yogurt,cinnamon,honey,salad,turkey火鸡肉fruit种类,ingredient, popcorn, sauce, mayonnaise, relish, lettuce, bread, mustard, duck鸭肉is a banana a fruit?there is 2 kilos fruit.

注意:a banana smoothie, turkey slices, tomato next, then, finally

first= at the beginning of, finally=at last

unit 8

正餐/午饭/早饭吃…和…照相 with friends与朋友闲逛 a lot of souvenir买很多的纪念品5 watch/see a movie about living in the future看一步关于在未来生活的电影6. whatelse=what other things别的什么事情 one’s autograph得到某人的亲笔签名室外游泳池赢得奖品 center游客中心 the end of,在…的结束at the beginning of在…的开始 a great school trip,度过一个很棒的学校组织的郊游on the schooltrip 13. on your next day off,在你的第二天休息日on his last day off在他的上个休息日soundslikeabusydayoff听起来象是一个很忙的/很充实的休息日14.

goforadrive开车去兜风虽然)疲惫但是很开心在雨中露营拿出中的一些oneof,…中的一个halfof,…中的一半mostof,…中的大多数 a bit一点 my opinion依我之见。

考点: was your last day off? you believe it? i can’t believe it.

unit 9

1. international sport star国际体育明星2. too…to太…而不能做… 3.

start golfing,开始打高尔夫startthingsearly学东西很早为…效力 for有…的世界记录6. become famous成名be famous for因为…而有名7. learn to do学做某事8.

it was a comedy called…一部叫做…的喜剧片9. firstgo to a movie首次拍电影10. h**e talent for…有…的天赋a talented girl一个有天分的女孩和…一起度过所有的闲暇时光12.

tour the 去美国旅行tr**el to 13. join参加、加入组织并成为其中一员=become a member of…join in =take part in参加具体的文体活动14. win thefirst prize in the competition=be the first in the competition在比赛中赢得了第一名become the champion in the competition成为比赛中的冠军15.

in the 70-yearhistory of the competition,有着70年历史的比赛16. hum songs and difficult piecesof music哼唱歌曲和难度较高的乐剧片段17. be alive, living活着的考点:

hiccupped for 69 years.—how long did he hiccup? went to his first movie when he was 3 years old.

= he went to his first movie at the age of 3.

parents are still alive=living in this he h**e any living classmates?4. because , because of

they come here because of us.

he walked slowly because of his bad leg.

he walked slowly because something wrong with his leg.4. come and join us!

can join the club/party?could i join in = take part in the game/match?5.

when were you born? when was she born?

she was born on june 2nd, 2001. she was born on the 2ndof june, 2001.6.

which person/who do you admire?

unit 10

1. take/h**e acting lessons上表演课2. grow up长大3.

be going to be=want tobe=wanttobecome想成为职业运动员 interesting,搬到有趣的地方retire somewhere quiet and beautiful退休。

后会去一个安静、优美的地方生活理想/梦想的工作 shows很多时装表演8. a reporter for a fashion magazine作为一个为时装杂志工作的记者9. find a part-time job for a year or two,找到一份兼职工作并且工作。

一、两年look for寻找10. at the same time同时11. hold an art exhibition举行一场艺术展览12.

sent…to…把…寄往…13. make the soccer team组建一支球队新年计划 than 1,ooo =hear form收到超过1000封的来信16. communicate better withkids与孩子们更好地交流17.

after high school =after le**ing middle school离开学校后18. h**e a welcome party举办一个欢迎会。

a job as foreign language teacher找到一份外语教师的工作考点: your plan for the future? going to do what i want to am going to get good grades.

sounds like a city that i could enjoy.

unit 11

1. take out the trash the dishes 3. make one’s bed 4.

fold one’s clothes 5. cleanthe living room 6. sweep the floor 7.

stay out late 8. work on 9. get a ridegive sb.

14. borrow…from, lend.. to 15.

take sb. for a walk 16. feed sb.

17. hate to dohate doing 18. go on vacation

you please do… could you please not do…?yes, sure. ok. all i’m afraid i can’t.

like washing the car because i can be outside.

unit 12

clothes 8. do a survey of 9. talent show 10.

a great success 11. dance withoutmusic 12. sb.

win the prize for the best performer, the prize for the funniest act go tosb. 13. in the north of china 14.

cut priceswhy do you think so?

it’s worsethan all talk 970 am.

we did a survey of what movies students like watching.

it was interesting to hear what the class thought about action movies.


unit8h eyoureadtreasureislandyet?第2课时sectiona3a 4c 一 教材分析。本单元以英美文学和 为话题,其目的不仅仅是在于让学生了解这些文学作品的名称 内容及相关的语言知识,同时通过与文学作品相关的听说读写活动,激发学生对英语语言文化的兴趣,学会如何与人 和交...


unit8h eyoureadtreasureislandyet?第2课时sectiona3a 4c 一 教材分析。本单元以英美文学和 为话题,其目的不仅仅是在于让学生了解这些文学作品的名称 内容及相关的语言知识,同时通过与文学作品相关的听说读写活动,激发学生对英语语言文化的兴趣,学会如何与人 和交...


记一记 短语过关。背一背 课文佳句。重点词汇解读。1.both 考查热度 重点解读 both意为 两者 两者都 只能用来修饰两个人或事物。both用作形容词,放在复数名词前做定语 用作代词时,往往和of构成短语both of 用作副词时,往往置于be动词 助动词或情态动词之后,行为动词之前。例句展示...