八年级英语上册第三单元测试题 自用

发布 2022-12-29 15:53:28 阅读 3728




1. lazy2. big3. hard-working

4. thin __5. well __he**y

8. pretty9. interesting10. tired


1. my father thinks it’s n必要的)for us to learn english well.

2. i want to know more信息)about your new school.

3. my friend yuan li is quiet too, so we enjoy studying一起).

4. my best friend larry is quiet dfrom me.

5. we b___like sports, but he plays tennis better.

6. larry often helps to使呈现,使显露出)the best in me.

7. i always get better grades than he dso m___或许) i should help him more.

8. a true friend r___伸出) for your hand and t触摸,感动) your h内心).

9. we can talk about and分享)everything.

10. i know she关心、在意)me because she’s always there to listen.

11. did you like the singing c竞赛)yesterday, anna?

12. i got a f极好的,了不起的) new job and my salary tripled.

13. don’t talk喧闹地、大声地)in class.

14. lily and lucy are sitting in the classroom安静地).

15. don’t l___嘲笑)at the people in danger.

16. a good friend is like a镜子).

17. working hard helps me get better成绩).


1. i’m shy, so it’s not easy for memake)friends.

2. in fact, she’sfunny) than anyone i know.

3. ibreak) my arm last year but shemake) me laugh and feel better.

4. she istalent) in music.

5. i think she sangclearly) than nelly.

6. everyone wants to be awin).

7. is your cousin asoutgoing) as you?

8. i’m quieter andserious)than most kids.

9. jeff islittle) serious than most kids.


1our football team failed(失败) in the match, we did our best.

a. though b. butc. because d. as

2. i’m more outgoing thanmy hair is longer than

a. her; her b. her; hers c. hers; her d. hers; hers

3. they are twins , but there are somebetween them.

a. different b. difference c. more different d. differences

h**e longer hair than

a. she’s b. her’s c. hers d. her

5.--which do you likesummer or winter?

---i prefer summer.

a. good b. well c. better d. best


1. tim works hard. jim works hard, too.(合并为一句)

tim worksjim.

2. i’m tall. my sister is tall, too.(合并为一句)

my sister and itall.

isn’t as famous as zhang ziyi. (用i think 合并句子)

ithink she __as famous as zhang ziyi.

is twelve years old. mike is thirteen years old.

tom is one yearmike.

sang well, but nelly sang better.(合并为一句)

nelly sanglisa.



1、 我和我的妹妹一样重。(as … as …)

2、 我比她的个子高。(…than …)

3、 她比我更努力。

4、 我跑得比她快。

5、 我最喜欢的运动和她的相似。(be similar to )


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