
发布 2022-12-28 23:21:28 阅读 5196

unit7 how do you make a banana milk shake? (3a--4)导学设计。


课题:《unit7 how do you make a banana milk shake?》(3a--4)(人教版新目标八年级下)课型:阅读课。


能力目标:让学生学会使用first, then, next, finally等表示顺序的词来描述三明治的制作过程。知识目标:

重点单词:super, top, recipe, check, duck, sauce, pancake, roll重点短语:a recipe for, green onion

重点句型:here is a recipe for a great turkey sandwich!教学重点:

让学生学会使用first, then, next, finally等表示顺序的词。教学难点:让学生学会描述各种美食的制作过程课时安排:




1)i need some help.①need to do…②need doing(2) turn on, turn off, turn up, turn down

3) here is a recipe for a beef sandwich.倒装句例:here comes the car.(4) on the top2.情景导入。

1)t: can you tell me how to put the elephant into the fridge?

ss: three steps. first, open the door.

then put the elephant into the fridge. finally, close the door.(板书:

first, then, next, finally)

2)t:展示how to make a banana milk shake (ppt.展示)

next, cut up the bananas. then, put the bananas into the blender. next, pour the milk intothe blender.

then, turn on the blender. finally, drink the milk shake. is it delicious?


教师范读:task1:listen carefully and answer the question.

how many main steps when we make asuper chicken sandwich?

ss: four steps. (三遍诵读,first, then, next, finally)


no.6, please stand up. can you find outthe ingredients of the chicken sandwich?

now let’s finish the chart together.)(ppt)


(t: no.5, can you tell us the amount ofevery ingredient?


no.4, do you h**e any questions to askthe other students?“you did so well.

”)组内交流推选出代言人把组内如何制作的美食介绍给大家(t:“howdeliciousyourfoodis!”“well done”.

“we like your food so much.”)ss:其他同学提出问题并讨论)stepⅲ训练1.


2. homework make a super sandwich for your parents and say thank you to them.


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