
发布 2022-12-28 22:50:28 阅读 9818


一、短语。1. on vacation 在度假,在假期中。

go on vacation 去度假。

take a vacation/ vacations 度假。

be on vacation 在(去)度假。

2. go to swgo to some interesting places = go somewhere interesting

go out 出去 go shopping 去购物/ go paragliding 去做滑翔伞运动。

go home/ there

3. a. somewhere/anywhere/ everywhere/ nowhere interesting

b. something/ anything/ everything/ nothing interesting

c. someone/ anyone/ everyone/ no one(分开写) interesting

d. somebody/ anybody/ everybody/ nobody


some 用于肯定句和表示请求的疑问句中,any 用于否定句和表示请求的疑问句中,not 用于否定句。

not anything = nothing

b 和 c 做主语时,其后谓语动词要用三单形式。

(1)would you like to eat

a. special anything b. special something c. anything special d. something special

2)he didn’t buy anything for himself yesterday. (变同义句。

3)this stone (石头) is too he**y for __to carry(搬)

a. somebody b. anybody c. everybody d. nobody

4) everyone in our classknow) what to do.

4. buy sb sth = buy sth for sb (buy oneself something= buy sth for oneself)

my father bought me a dictionary yesterday. (变同义句。

5. most of the time 大多数时间

6. in the countryside 在农村。

7. the only problem 唯一的问题

8. seem + 形容词= seem to be +形容词 ① no one seemed bored. (变同义句。

seem to do sth

it seems/ed that + 句子it seemed that nobody was bored. (变同义句)

9. keep a diary 写日记。

keep doing sth = keep on doing sth 一直干某事。

keep sb doing sth 让某人一直做某事。

my mother asks me to keepstudy) over 5 hours every evening.

10. decide to do sth / decide not to do sth 决定(不)干某事。

11. feel like ① 给…….的感觉 i feel like i was a bird.

想要 feel like doing sth 想要干某事= would like/ want to do sth

my brother feels like去购物) every weekend.

变同义句)12. try to do sth/ not to do sth 设法、尽力做某事。

doing sth 尝试、试着做某事。

13. in the past 在过去 (一般过去时)

in the past/ last 50 years 在过去的50年里(现在完成时)

the workersquilt a fewthere in the past. (build)

14. enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事。

enjoy oneself 玩的开心、愉快、高兴= h**e fun= h**e a good time

we had a wonderful time in the park last weekend. (变同义句)

wein the park last weekend.

15. walk to the top of the hill/ mountain 步行去山顶。

walk up to the top of the hill/ mountain 步行走上山顶。

16. take photos 照相。

take the train to sw = go to sw by train

take a bag with some food and water

17. rain a little 下零星小雨 rain hard 下大雨 (he**ily)

18. get to get to the park get home

arrive in/ at sw arrive at the park arrive here

reach reach the park reach there

19. be

get wet 淋湿 be wet and cold 又冷又湿。

20. because of

because+ 句子。

we couldn’t see anything belowthe bad weather.

21. taste great/ good/ nice

22. over an hour= more than an hour 一个多小时。

an hour later= after an hour 一小时以后 (一般过去时)

another two hours= two more hours 又两个小时。

after they ate some apples, they ate

a. another 5 apples b. 5 another apples c. more 5 apples d. 5 more apple

23. quite a few+ 名词复数 “相当多”

a lot of = lots of + 名复或不可数名词 “许多”

too many + 名复 , too much + 不可数 “太多 “

so many + 名复,so much + 不可数 “如此多”

24. wait for sb/ sth

wait for the train / wait a long time for the train

wait for me

25. forget to do sth 忘记要干某事(此事未做)

forget doing sth 忘记干过某事(此事已做)

don’t forgetturn) off the lights when you le**e.

26. in the shopping center 在购物中心。

27. look at = h**e a look at 看…….

28. find out 查明,弄清楚。

find 找到 (find 是look for 的结果, look for 是find 的过程)

look for 寻找。

1 my pen was lost, iit everywhere, but i couldn’tit.

2 pleasewhen the train will le**e.

29. tell sb to do sth 叫某人(不)做某事

not to do sth

30. go on 继续。

31. jump up and down in excitement 兴奋地跳来跳去、跳上跳下。

32. come up 上来。

33.① so + 形或副+ that +句子 “如此……以至于能/ 不能…….

the little boy is so young that he can’t go to school.

新人教版八年级语文上册 第一单元3《蜡烛》教学设计

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