
发布 2020-09-16 09:17:28 阅读 9475

unit 1 what’s the matter?


the matter (with sb2. what’s the trouble / problem(with sb)?

wrong (with sb)? 你怎么了4. what’s one’s trouble / problem ?

up6. what happened to sb ?

you ok8. is there anything wrong with sb ?


+ h**e /has + a / an + 疾病名称:h**e a cold / fever / cough / temperature

+ h**e/ has a sore +身体部位:h**e a sore throat / back

+ h**e / has+ a+ 身体部位—ache h**e a toothache /headache / stomachache / earache /backache

+ hurt(s) +身体部位/ oneself ; he hurt his leg . 或身体部位+ hurts ; my head hurts badly .

is something wrong with one’s +身体部位。

+h**e /has a pain in one’s +身体部位。

三.情态动词 should / should’t 的用法:意为’应该,应当’ 后接动词原形,无人称和数的变化。通常表示提出意见或建议,或义务和责任,还可表示命令责备或要求等语气;

1. you should lie down and should’t eat so much next time . 3. what should i do ?

4. should i put some medicine on it ? yes ,you should ./no, you should’ t

section a

adj. 疼痛的可作定语或表语she has a sore throat / back . my leg is very sore .

n. 后面,背面 he sat at the back of the classroom. adv . 回 (原处) come back

3. lie 躺,卧---lay. lie down 躺下撒谎 .lying you are lying to me .

n. 谎言假话 tell a lie / lieslay .-laid .laid. laying 产卵下蛋放置。

4. rest 休息 v./n.

you should rest for a few days . get some rest= h**e(take) a rest /a break / breaks休息一下

5. to one ‘s surprise 使某人惊讶的是常作插入语,位于句首 to his surprise,she failed the exam .

in surprise 吃惊地surprising --物 what surprising news !

surprised---人be surprised to do / be surprised at sth / be surprised that…

6. much too+ 形容词, 太too many+可数名词复数,太多……

too much+不可数名词,太多…也可做副词 talk too much

7. enough形容、副词,足够的/地,(1) enough +名词; enough water (2) 形副+ enough ; good enough

8. sound like+名词代词和从句:听起来像 it sounds like you don’t know the truth..

it sounds like a good idea.

sound( look/feel/taste/smell )+形容词听起来。eg. the music sounds nice.

9. need (1).需要,实义动词人作主语 need+sth,需要某物; need (sb)to do sth.需要做某事,

2). 物作主语;sth needs doing/ to be done ; the room needs cleaning /to be cleaned.

3) 情态动词,多用于否定句或疑问句 need i stay here ?-yes, you must . no, you need’t.

10. agree 同意,赞同---disagree(反义词) agree with sb. 同意某人agree to do. 同意做某事

11. right away =right now =at once,意为马上 。

12. advice(不可数)建议,意见 a piece of advice 一条建议 give sb. advice on sth./ take one’s advice

advise [动词] advise sb. to do sth. 建议某人做某事 advise doing sth.建议做某事。

13. hurt 及物动词,使……疼痛,……受伤,he hurt his leg . he hurt her feelings.

不及物动词,……部位)疼。 his leg hurt badly.

14. hit --hit(过去式)(用手或器具)打;击打 the boy hit the dog with a stone.

hit sb. on the head/ nose/ back 打某人的头、鼻子、后背,on 用在所打较硬的部位;

hit sb. in the face/ eye/ stomach 打某人的脸、眼睛、肚子,in 用在所打较软的部位。

当名词用时;get hit on the head 头部受到撞击。

15. see sb doing sth 看见某人正在做某事 i saw a boy playing football near my home.

see sb do sth 看见某人做某事(强调全过程) we saw him cross the road.

to sb向某人喊话 shout at sb 冲某人叫喊(贬义) shout for help 大声呼救。

17. expect sb to do sth期待某人去做某事。

about(+doing)考虑 think of 想起,认为 think over 仔细考虑 think up 想出。

down(+from)摔倒,跌倒 fall behind 落后,跟不上 fall into落入… fall asleep 入睡。

fall in love with 爱上… fall off… 从……跌落下来。

20.反身代词myself./ yourself / himself / herself / itself / ourselves /yourselves / themselves

作同位语;did you make the cake yourself ? 做表语 i’m not myself today .

enjoy oneself help oneself to… by oneself hurt/ cut oneself teach oneself=learn sth by oneself

(不可数);苦恼,问题 be in trouble 处于困境 get into trouble陷入困境 make trouble 制造麻烦。

h**e trouble / difficulties / problems (in) doing sth做。有麻烦做某事有困难。

…… on sth 在某物上放…… put some medicine on the cut (伤口) put a bandage on it 在它上面放绷带。

23. in the same way 以同样的方式 on the way to 在去……的路上in the way 挡路。

out of the way 不再碍事 by the way 顺便说一下 in this way 用这种方法 in a way 在某种程度上。

an x-ray 拍x 光片 take one’s temperature 量体温hot tea w ith honey 加蜂蜜的热茶。

see a dentist 看牙医go to a doctor =go to see a doctor = go to the doctor’s 看医生。


八年级英语上册第一单元教学案。一 短语。1.on vacation 在度假,在假期中。go on vacation 去度假。take a vacation vacations 度假。be on vacation 在 去 度假。2.go to swgo to some interesting plac...


unit1 what s the matter?掌握下列句型 what s the matter with you i h e catch a 疾病 what s the matter with her him?she he has catch a 疾病 肯定回答 you should 肯定回答 y...


第一单元测试卷。时间 120分钟总分 120分 一 积累运用 30分 1 下列加点字注音有误的一项是 c 3分 a 归省 x n 行辈 h n 欺侮 w 如法炮制 p o b 家眷 ju n 家醅 p i 模样 m 一马当先 d n c 助兴 x n 纠葛 撺掇 cu n 戛然而止 ji d 吆喝 ...