
发布 2022-12-28 20:31:28 阅读 2067












1. it’s up to us to help with h

2. i usually brush my teeth ta day.

3. you can get much useful information on the i

4. one of my f**orite pis animal world.

5. –would you like some more cakes?

--no, thanks. i’m f___now.

6. my grandfather is in good h___because he exercises every day.

7. i eat a lot of fruit and vegetables because i care about my h

8. you are not h___you h**e to learn more about h___habits.

9. his grandmother死亡) two years ago.

10. after school, let’s go to the movies一起).

11. there are many杂志) in our school library.

12也许) tom is at home now, but i’m not sure.

13. i got 95分数) in the english test.

14. my father is a famous牙医).

15. here are the结果) of our survey about f**orite subjects.

16. there is a river穿过) our city.

17. lu xun is one of the most famous作家).

18. ahe was ill yesterday, he went to school.









2)短语单选1do you h**e a class meeting?

once a week.

a. how old b. how far c. how often d. how long

2. -what aboutthat’s a good idea.

a. go shop b go shopping c. going shop d. going shopping

3. xiao zhangwatches tv. he likes surfing the internet.

a. hard ever b. hardly ever c. often d. always

4. i think drinking milk is goodour health.

a. for b. to c. withd. at

5. last month we asked our studentstheir free time activities a. for b.

to c. about d. with

6. children should sleepnine hours every night.

a. at last b. at least c. less than d. much than

7. -what does she do on

---she often goes to the movies.

a. every week b. a week c. weekend d. weekends

8. i visit my grandparentsa month.

a. two times b. second time c. two d. twice


1. the girl often __help) her motherwash) clothes on weekends.

2. my fatherwatch) beijing opera every day.

3. his brotherexercise) three times a week.

4. the doctor asked hereat) more fruit.

5. reading loudly every day is a good waylearn) english well.

6. it’s difficult for some studentslearn) english well.

7. i learn english bylisten) to the tape every day.

8. my father likes___play) sports such asrun) andplay) basketball

9. my dad wants medrink) milk every day. 10. herebe) some books for you.

四.单选。1. i eat fruit and drink milk every day to keep me

a. health b. healthy c. healthily d. unhealthy

2. they feel very happythey are very tired.

a. so b. but c. although d. if

3. forty percent of students in the school___from china.

a. am b. is c. are d. was

4. now the train service is very good. the trains areon time.

a. hardly b. always c. never d. sometimes

5do you do on weekends?

---i do my homework or watch tv.

a. when b. what c. where d. why

6. i h**e no time to go to the movies , this week is quite___for me.

a. relaxing b. hungry c. full d. happy

7. tom is __boy.

a. a eight years old b. an eight-years old

c. a eight-year-old d. an eight-year-old

8. liu li and liu ying are twin sistersthey like to do different things.


潮阳实验学校2014 2015学年度第一学期八年级思想品德第二单元测试题。一 单项选择题 每小题2分,共56分。1 友谊是我们哀伤时的缓和剂 激动时的舒缓剂,是我们压力的倾泄口 灾难的庇护所,是我们犹疑时的商议者,是我们脑子的清新剂 思想的讲台,也是我们沉思和锻炼的平台。杰里米 泰勒的这段名言告诉我...


第二单元测试。一 语言运用 42分 1 根据拼音写汉字。12分 憎恶淡薄瞥见荒僻祁盼侮辱。hu ng zu j ch z o b 急愧 狼 踌 烦涉。2 将下面的成语补充完整。8分 鸡 狗碎低眉 眼连声沛流离。大 广众 目伤怀 不足道穷愁 倒。3 下列说法有错误的一项是 3分 a余秋雨是当代著名的学...


濯港中学八年级语文上册第二单元测试题。一 语言运用 分 下列加点的字注音有误的一项是 分 诘问 孤孀 霹雳 触目伤怀 琐屑 丧事 石堆 身体不济 下面词语中有四个错别字,依次找出来填入表中并改正。分 糟塌祸不单行变卖典质情郁于中无原无故。烦躁猝然昏蹶长途跋涉穷愁潦倒绘生绘色。下面各句中,加点成浯使用...