2019新版八年级下册期末Unit6 10总复习

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1. unit6-10考点。

1). 单元重点短语汇总(包括:动词短语、介词短语和连词):

2).短语(give up / put up / remind sb. of sth.

/ according to / a little bit/ think of/about / belong to / hear of / thousands of等)考点:

典型例题】---why h**e you got so much water here? 【2012江苏常州】

---for the trail walkers. after they finish the tough hike, they need to __lots of water

a. keep off b. give out c. take in d. put up

i like these photos and they can __me __the life living in the countryside.

a. think; of b. remind; of c. let; down d. wake; up【2012兰州】

___the new traffic laws, people mustn’t drive after drinking wine or beer.

a. according to b. according as c. according for d. accord to

__people died in the earthquake.

a. hundred of b. five hundreds of c. five hundreds d. hundreds of

.__the trees were cut down. and many birds lost their home. 【2011邵阳】

a. two thousand of b. thousands of d. thousand of

--may i speak to mr. smith?

please. i’ll see if he is in.【2012安徽】

a. look out b. hold on c. keep up d. come on

can you help me __who has broken the sign.

for up out

jessica’s parents always encourage her __out her opinions. 【2013辽宁鞍山】

a. speak b. speaking c. to speak d. will speak

3). 连词(unless/so...that...as soon as/even though/since等)考点:

典型例题】--your aunt often walks a dog in the morning. 【2013浙江绍兴】

--yeah, _bad weather stops her.

a. when b. unless c. because d. since

he ran __quickly __some of the students couldn’t catch up with him.

that --will you please give the dictionary to jane? 【2011 天津】

--sure. i’ll give it to her she arrives here.

a. before b. untilc. because d. as soon as

--the local living conditions (条件) h**e improved a lot __china set up the city of san sha.

--and more and more people would like to go there for business. 【2013宜昌】

a. before b. when c. since d. after

the camera isexpensivei can't afford it.

a. so, that b. such, that c. so, as to d. enough, that

—i wonder when you __in new york. 【2013齐齐哈尔2

—i will send an e-mail to you as soon as i __there.

a. arrive; will get b. will arrive; get c. will arrive; will get

4). 比较级和最高级的特殊用法 (比较级和最高级的特殊结构):


时,形容词为多音节词或一些双音节词,用“more and more+原级形式”。




⑤“one of +the+最高级+可数名词复数”表示“最。之一”。



⑧this is/was + the+最高级+名词+that引导的定语从句。

典型例题】john is 180 centimeters tall, and his daughters is 90. so he is twice __she.【2010威海】

a. so tall as b. as tall as c. much taller than d. less than

this schoolbag is not expensive. and the price of it is the __of the three.【2012盐城】

a. lowest b. biggest c. highest d. smallest

do you think of the football match? 【2012 深圳】

-- it's perfect. it's more exciting than __match that i h**e ever watched.

2019八年级英语下册短语归纳总结 Unit

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