
发布 2022-12-28 11:51:28 阅读 2401











. 听句子,选择与句意相符的**。每个句子读一遍。(每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)

. 听句子,选择正确的答语。每个句子读一遍。(每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)

6. a. almost every dayb. yesterdayc. i like drinking milk.

7. a. no, neverb. i usually watch tvc. four times a day.

8. a. i watch tv every day. b. english is my f**orite subject. c. animal world.

9. a. she is readingb. she likes exercising

c. she usually goes to the movies.

10. a. all the students are watching tv.

b. all the students will do.

c. most students go to the movies once a week.

. 听对话和问题,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。(每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)


11. a. the boy’s fatherb. the boy’s motherc. the boy.

12. a. cooks breakfastb. cleans the roomc. exercises.


13. a. a weekend student helper.

b. primary school students.

c. teachers.

14. a. jennyb. jackc. joy.

15. a. on weekendsb. on school daysc. not mentioned.

. 听短文,选择最佳答案。短文读两遍。(每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)

16. during the vacation, i did my work __

a. in the morningb. in the afternoonc. in the evening

17. i __in the garden for half an hour after getting up.

a. exercisedb. took a walkc. watered the flowers

18. it took me __to do my morning work.

a. about three hoursb. about two hoursc. about one hour

19. i spent the afternoon __

a. at homeb. at schoolc. outside

20. i went home __

a. at about six o’clock b. before six o’clockc. before five o’clock

21.english is __useful language and it’s also___important subject.

a. an, an b. a, an c. a, ad. an, a

22. everyone in my class __the poor boy without parents.

a. want to help b. want helping

c. wants to help d. wants helping

23do you go to the movies?

once a month.

a. how often b. how far c. how long d. how much

24.my shoes are cheaper than __

a. you b. yoursc. your d. your one

25. it’s interesting __by using the internet.

a. relax b. relaxing c. relaxed d. to relax

26.the song makes me __

a. feel better b. to feel betterc. feels better d. feeling better

27. _it is raining, _he is still working outside.

a. although; but b. althoughc. but; although d. /although

28.i think teachers __parents. they care about us very much.

a. likeb. likesc. likingd. are like

29. the boy doesn’t speak __his sister, but his writing is good.

a. as well asb. so good asc. more better than d. more worse than

30do you think of the new movie? —great!

a. what b. whyc. howd. when

31. lucy is a good student. she __comes late for class.

a. usually b. hard ever c. sometimes d. never

32. this is one of __most of the students are __in it.

interesting book; interestingb. the most interested books; interested

c. the most interesting books; interestedd. most interested book; interesting

33.i am __taller than my brother

a. veryb. too c. a littled. more

34.the boy isn’t __to dress himself.

a. old enough b. enough old c. enough young d. young enough

35.why not___your teacher for help when you can’t finish __it by yourself?

a. ask, write b. to ask , writingc. ask ,writing d. asking, write

36.there are __bananas in the box. i will buy some this afternoon.

a. little b. a few c. fewd. a little

37.we are going to beijing. can youwhen the train will le**e ?

a. look for b. find for c. find out d. to see

38.mrs brown is nice. every day she tried to cook __for me during my stay

in canada.

a. something differentb. different something

c. anything differentd. different anything

39. —she didn’t come to school yesterday, did she?


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