年新人教版英语初中八年级上册Unit6教案 x

发布 2022-12-28 11:23:28 阅读 8324

unit 6 i'm going to study computer science.

section a 1a呈现了几种不同的职业,要求学生根据趣味性为其排序。一方面让学生复习已经学过的一些表示职业的词汇(如teacher等),同时认知一些新的表示职业的词汇(如computer programmer),为后面的各项活动作铺垫。

section b部分以“新年的决心”为主题设计了一系列的活动:1a 要求学生将**和相应的新年决心配对,为后面实施交际功能提供了材料;1b 引导学生通过对话巩固掌握1a 出现的生词及be going to结构;1c和1d是听力练习同时也是输出性的任务,在听力理解的基础上要求学生注意形式的正确性;1e要求学生列出一些自己的决心或计划,然后进行小组讨论;2b 是一个阅读练习,介绍了resolution(决心)的含义、类型等,任务输入和输出并重,便于巩固、应用目标语言;3b和3c是两个写作练习,培养学生用目标语言写作的能力;4 小组活动的主题是清洁与绿色,培养学生在情境中运用语言的能力,同时渗透德育教育。

teaching goals 【教学目标】

key words:


key phrases:

be going to,grow up,computer programmer,computer science,bus driver,basketball player,be sure about,make sure

key sentences:

do you want to be when you grow up?i want to be a basketball player.

are you going to do that?i'm going to practice basketball every day.

everyone knows what they want to be. just make sure you try your best. then you can be anything you want!

teaching key points 【教学重点】

the vocabulary:

cook,doctor,engineer,violinist,driver,pilot,pianist,scientist,grow up,be going to,computer programmer,bus driver,basketball player,be sure about,make sure

target language:

what do you want to be when you grow up?i want to be a computer programmer. how are you going to do that?

i'm going to study computer science.

teaching difficult points 【教学难点】

1. the usage of “be going to”.

2. use the target language to express your future intentions.

teaching aids 【教学工具】

an english textbook,a tape recorder,cai or courseware.

teaching steps 【教学过程】

step 1 leading in


step 2 pre-task

page 41,1a.

1.read each of the words to the class. teach the new words.

2.h**e ss complete activity 1a.

3.check the answers.

page 41,1c.

1.in pairs,ss look at the jobs in activity 1a and h**e conversations about these jobs.

2.check the answers by asking 1 or 2 pairs of students to present their conversation.

step 3 while-task

page 41,1b.

play the recording. ss listen and write down the answers. the teacher checks the answers with the whole class.

page 42,2a.

1.point to the picture. ask ss to say what they see.

2.play the recording.

3.ss listen and write down the answers.

4.check the answers.

page 42,2b.

1.ask a student to read the sample question to the class.

2.play the recording again.

3.ask ss to write their answers in the chart.

4.correct the answers.

step 4 post-task

page 42,2c.

1.ask two ss to read the sample conversation to the class.

2.point to the questions and answers in activity 2b.

3.ask ss to make conversation about cheng han.

4.ask several pairs to say their conversations to the class.

page 42,2d.

1.h**e ss scan the conversation in 2d.

2.lead ss to practice reading the conversation.

3.make ss role-play the conversation. in this part,student a will be andy. student b will be ken.

as they talk,move around to monitor their work. offer language or pronunciation support as needed.

4.h**e a pair of students present the conversation to the class.


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