
发布 2022-12-27 08:01:28 阅读 7075


一。 词汇部分 (10分)


1. these days everyone ucomputers to do a lot of things.

2. yang liwei is the first ain china.

3. one day people may fly rto the moon for vacations.

4. i fin love with the weather here in fuzhou last year.

5. we’ll h**e more ftime to play sports.


6. there are many newbuild) in our city.

7. we can do the work withlittle) money andfew) people than they can.

8. maybe he wants to goskate).

9. i believe that in ten years i will work forme)

10. there arehundred) of people on the ground.

二。 用所给动词的恰当形式填空。(10分)

1. therenot) be any ***** books. everyone will h**e books on computers.

2. we all wantpredict) the future of ourselves.

3. where do you think sallywork) ten years from now?

4. the pilotfly) to new york two days ago, and he ‘ll be back soon.

5be) you at school yesterday evening? we had an exciting party.

6. does he alwayslive) alone? i don’t know.

7. -where is mr. lu? -i’m not surehewrite) in his office?

8. could you pleasebuy) some snacks for me?

9. when i grow up, ibe) a famous pilot.

10. my friend liz oftenwash) her clothes on wednesday.

三。 选择填空。(15分)

)1. —will there be more people in 100 years, do you thinki hope.

a. no, there isn’t b. no, there aren’t c. no, there won’td. no, they won’t.

) there are __trees, the air in our city will be __cleaner.

a. less; more b. more; more c. more; much d. much; more

( )3. i predict he will be an engineer __ten years because he is so interested in ****** things.

a. inb. afterc. later d. for

( )4. there were many famous predictions that never___

a. come true b. came real c. came true d. be true

( )5. how many people __there fifty years ago.

a. willb. werec. are d. will be

( )6. —i think that china will win the world cup one day.

i___the chinese team is becoming stronger and stronger.

a. agreeb. disagree c. am not agree d. think

)7. you must run fast. the trainin two minutes.

a. gob. went c. will god. goes

)8. what will the weathertomorrow?

a. likeb. to like c. to be like d. be like

)9boy will win the first prize, can you guess?

a. whyb. which c. whod. what

) friendsa pet pig in their house.

a. keepsb. feedsc. keepd. look

四。 根据汉语提示,完成句子。(10分)

1. 十年后,在城市将会有更少的污染。

there willin cities in 10 years.

2. 在周末,我能经常去拜访我的朋友们。

at the weekends, ito visit my friends.

3. 也许这似乎是不可能的,但我们不知道会发生什么?

this maybut we don’t know what will happen.

4. 太空站是一个人类居住的好地方吗?

is the space station a good place for human

5. 当我年纪大一点的时候,我喜欢为我自己工作。

i like to workwhen i am older.

五。 为下列对话填入所缺的单词,使对话完整。(10分)

a. hey, joe. is this a pictureyou?

b. yeah, that was me ten years

a. so, did you live here in fuzhou ten years ago?

b. no, imy parents in shanghai. we lived in a househuaihai street.

i __to school here in fuzhou.

a. really? that wasfarheredid you get to school?

b. oh, ithe bus to school.

六。 完形填空(15分)

perhaps you heard __1__about the internet, but what is it?

the internet is many different networks around the world. a network is a group of computers put together. these networks joined together are called the internet.

_ 2 that doesn’t sound interesting. but _ 3 we’ve joined the internet, there are 4 things we can do. we can h**e a lot of 5 on the world web.

(www). we can use the internet, instead of (而不是) a library to 6 all kinds of information __7 our f**orite sports or film stars and do shopping on the internet. we can send messages to other people 8 e-mail.

it’s much cheaper and quicker than 9 our friends or sending a letter.


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