
发布 2022-12-26 05:06:28 阅读 9130

资料名称: 初二英语素质教育阶段评估检测卷。

教材版本:project english (湘教版) 适用年级: grade 8学期:上学期。

命题人:贵州省松桃民族寄宿制中学邱美双 ( tel 0856-2836248)

初中英语素质教育阶段评估检测卷(unit 4)

class __grade 2 nameno. _

.选择填空 (20%)


)⒈an elephant is __bigger than a dog.

a. very b. much c. so d. quite

)⒉li ping is the tallest __all the boys __his class.

a. of; of b. in; of c. of; in d. in; in

)⒊what kind of animal do you like __the tiger, the lion or the elephant?

a. good b. well c. better d. best

)⒋if he __here this afternoon, i shall go there myself.

a. doesn’t come b. isn’t come c. won’t come d. not

)⒌it began to rain hard while i __on the way to school.

a. walk b. walked c. am walking d. was walking

)⒍i’m not sure whether robots will make humans __

a. lazy b. lazier c. laziest d. the laziest

)⒎people often mistake some __objects such as kites or balloons for ufos.

a. man make b. man-make c. man-made d. men-made

)⒏there are no fish in the pond, _

a. are there b. aren’t there c. are they d. aren’t they

)⒐you went to the concert yesterday, _

a. do you b. don’t you c. did you d. didn’t you

)⒑you don’t know how to do it, you may come and ask me __

a. help b. to help c. for help d. for helping


)⒒there are over 2700 students in our school this term.

a. more than b. less than c. about d. more or less than

)⒓fish can’t live without water.

a. h**e no b. if there’s no c. if h**ing no d. no

)⒔the panda is nicer than the bear.

a. bigger b. he**ier c. better d. more beautiful

)⒕my bike is broken. can you repair it?

a. make b. mend c. build d. check

)⒖the old tapes are useless. throw them away.

a. useful b. no useful c. not useful d. not use


)⒗thousand of people are standing on tian’anmen square and watching the national flag rise.

abcd )⒘don’t spend too much time on the internet. you should spend more time in your lessons.

abcd )⒙if you don’t know the new word, you may look up it in the english-chinese dictionary.

a bcd )⒚he looks so worried. he seems to has lost something.

a b c d

)⒛can you teach me how riding a motorbike?” no problem. it’s easy.”

abc d.词汇知识(10%)

a.阅读下列句子, 根据所给首字母写出所缺单词。

the great wall of china is one of the greatest win the world.

the dove is a sof peace.

we should p___rainforests well because they are the lungs of the earth.

the railway j___the two cities together.

the great p___in egypt used to be 146.59 meters high.

b.根据句意, 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。

there are tengoose) swimming in the river.

the world is becomingsmall) than before because of

manyscience) think there are some living things on other planets.

i found great pleasure invisit) the palace museum.

thebuild) finished building the bridge in fifteen month.

.翻译 (15%)


we share the world with animals.

horses feed on grass.

the hills and the rivers in guilin is the most beautiful in china.

robots can take the place of humans to do some hard work.

it took me two months to finish writing the book.


事实上他对此一无所知he knew nothing about it.

我经常想起那些日子。 i oftenthe days.

请注意这条新闻。 pleaseto the news.

这条裤子穿破了。 this pair of pants are

他把彼特当作亲生儿子看待 hepeter __his own son.

.情景交际 (15%)


)⒈where do you like living? a. birds, of course.

)⒉what kind of animal do you like? b. every day.

)⒊how often do you use the internet? c. in the countryside.

)⒋what do you usually do on the internet? d. it’s about 6700 kilometers long.

)⒌how long is the great wall? e. download useful information.


a:__b:sure. _it can make our lives nicer, easier and more colorful.

a:__b:we can do lots of things. we can go shopping without le**ing our houses. _

a:can we study on the internet?


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