
发布 2022-12-23 22:43:28 阅读 2688


一。 本周教学内容:


模拟试题】一。 听力理解(本项共30分,每小题1分)

1—30 略。

二。 词汇(本项共10分,每小题1分)


31. —what’s that in english ? oh , it’s a b .

32. c live in the desert .

33. m is a very useful part of a computer .

34. liu xiang is my f**ourite sports s .

35. pandas like eating b very much .


36. they are all from italy , aneurope)country .

37. in autumn , the (leaf)on the trees are yellow .

38. mum , i want to h**e a new pair of (trainer). these are too tight(紧).

39. betty (invitation)her friends to her birthday party every year .

40. —mike , is this your bike ? nomy)is broken .

三。 单项填空(本项共15分,每小题1分)


)41. —where are they from ? maomao is and the twins are .

a. china ; african b. china ; africa

c. chinese ; africa d. chinese ; african

)42. —mr liu teaches english this term .

you’re luckyis a good teacher .

a. us ; he b. ours ; he c. us ; she d. our ; she

)43. if you’re hungry , you can go to a .

a. hospital b. school c. restaurant d. cinema

)44. kangaroos live in the .

a. forest b. grassland c. desert d. jungle

)45. tigers , bears and lions all .

a. eat grass b. eat meat c. live only in china d. live in the water

)46. i usually go to a shop to a birthday card before my mum’s birthday .

a. choose b. give c. make d. read

)47. —daming , let’s play football .

ok . but i must my mum first .

a. ask b. listen to c. hear d. talk

)48. jack goes to school early , and he is late . he is a good student.

a. never ; sometimesb. sometimes ; always

c. sometimes ; oftend. always ; never

)49. he likes talking on the internet , but he like sending emails .

a. isn’t b. doesn’t c. don’t d. didn’t

)50. there are about students in our school .

a. two thousands b. two thousands of

c. two thousand d. two thousand of

)51do you go to the cinema ? every sunday night .

a. how long b. how often c. why d. how

)52. it’s not good your health to play computer games so much .

a. for b. in c. with d. on

)53. going shopping with me ?

a. would you like b. will you c. let’s d. how about

)54. —what’s the time now ? it’s .

a. tuesday b. ten am c. 2006 d. jan . 17th

)55. —it’s raining . let’s play basketball in the gym

a. don’t say thatb. you’re welcome .

c. it’s good idead. that’s nothing .

四。 用所给动词的正确形式填空(本项共5分,每小题1分)

jack green is my father . he is a maths teacher in a high school . he is forty years old .

he 56(work)from monday to friday . on weekends , he never goes to work . he often goes fishing when it is fine .

my father is a basketball fan . he often 57(watch)basketball matches on tv . his f**ourite team is the lakers and his f**ourite player is kobe .

my father also likes reading novels . there 58(be)lots of books in his room . he

59(not like)music . he never goes to the concert , but my mother goes to the concert . at home , he is a teacher to me because i often ask him many questions .

60 he often 61(help)my mum with the housework ? of course , he does . he is a good father , a good teacher and also a good husband !

i love my father !

五。 补全对话(本项共5分,每小题1分)

a friend of lisa asks lisa to go to see a movie . complete(完成)the dialogue with 5 sentences .

a:hi , lisa . would you like to see a movie with me ?

b:sure , i’d like to61 ?

a:it’s on saturday afternoon .

b:oh , i’m afraid i can’t go . i’ll h**e taijiquan class that afternoon .

a62 ?b:sunday evening ? that would be fine63 ?

a:very good . it’s at new times cinema .

b:is it far ?

a:no , quite near . let’s walk there . i like walking in the evening .

b:me , too . and let’s eat something after the movie .

a:haha64 . let’s h**e something chinese to eat .

b:thank you for asking me . see you this sunday evening .

a:you’re welcome65 .

六。 完形填空(本项共10分,每小题1分)


一 试题分析 1 试题结构与分值 本次试卷满分为100分,分别为 听力20分 单项选择15分 完型填空10分 阅读理解20分 词汇运用10分 补全对话10分和书面表达15分。教材中所出现的重要语法项目在不同的试题中均得到了考查。对所有采分点的设题均为教材中所要求 掌握 的内容,要求学生动笔写的内容全...


第五题语篇理解。阅读部分所选的阅读文章题材多样化,主要考查学生对阅读材料的分析理解能力 推理判断能力和概括归纳能力。该大题在整篇考卷中得分率相对最低。失误原因是对于常见用语掌握的熟练程度还不够。基本功不扎实,知识掌握不到位。第六部分书面表达。1 考生在书面表达中所反映的问题主要有 基础不扎实,语言表...


襄垣一中初中部2018年 2019年第二学期八年级英语学科教学质量监测分析报告。英语学科组长 总体来说本套试题能够较全面地考核本册书的知识点,既考学生的基础知识,又考学生的能力,尤其是灵活的应变能力。一 试题评价。本次试卷是120分的。试卷总体来说,难度适中。本次命题在考察学生英语基础知识的前提下,...