
发布 2022-12-23 22:39:28 阅读 1781

晨测 (m1—m2)


1. i often listen to the song big big world. it听起来) beautiful.

2. do you like your new shirt? —yes, it __摸起来)very comfortable.

3. the apples尝起来)good. could i h**e another one?

4. something __闻起来) terrible. what goes bad in the kitchen?

5. he __看起来)very sad yesterday. what happened to him?

6. he will报名参加)a competition next week.

7. let’s邀请)all our friends to参加) the party.

8. the一等奖)of the competition is a dream holiday in england.

9. he teaches well because he has much经验)of teaching.

10. i often feel紧张) when i speak in public.

11. i got bad分数). my father looked angry.

12. i don’t know the way. i am a陌生人) here.

13. this box is very expensive, so i can’t支付的起) it.

14. he is a german. he is from德国)

15. h**e you heard of the古代的) story?

短语填空。1. i like sugar because i h**e a对甜食的爱好).

2. my mother以…而感到骄傲) me.

3. i迫不及待) open the present box.

4. let’s倒计时) the days of celebrating the school party.

5. we should编造) a new dialogue.

6到目前为止), we h**e learned about 3000 english words.

7. my computer与…不同) yours. my computer’s colour is red and yours is white.

8. do you often收到…的来信) your friends?

9. how to work out the problem用正确的方式).

10. he到达) the station at 6 o’clock.

阅读理解。charlie is a kind person to his friends and they all __1___him. his friend andy likes drinking.

charlie often tries to stop him doing it. sometimes andy listens to him, _2___sometimes he does not. one evening, when andy had drunk __3___in a restaurant, he drove his car home.

he drove so fast that he hit a big tree and hurt himself. he was sorry for it and decided to __4___drinking. but soon he forgot it.

one afternoon he hit an __5__ woman who was crossing the street.

hearing this, charlie __6___angry. he said he would not be his friend unless(除非) he stopped drinking. of course andy didn’t want to lose his best friend.

he decided to follow the law and rules and __7___and it made his friend happy.

one sunday afternoon it was hot. andy was going to swim in the river. he changed his clothes, entered his car and started it.

when he was coming near the crossing, he suddenly remembered __8___and go out at once. he began to push his car in the street. it made the policeman __9___and he asked, “what’s the matter with your car, sir ”

nothing, sir,” answered andy.

but why push it, then ”

because i’ve left my __10__ at home!”

1. a. worry b. loves c. dislike d. like

2. a. but b. and c. of d. so

3. a. too many b. too much c. a lot of d. much too

4. a. put up(举起;张贴) b. come up (发生;上来) c. cut up d. give up (放弃)

5. a. young b. old c. smart d. weak

6. a. became b. becomes c. is becoming d. has become

7. a. stop to drink b. stopped to drink c. stop drinking d. stopped drink

8. a. anything b. nothing c. something d. everything

9. a. sad b. surprised c. happy d. surprising

10. a. license (驾驶证) b. clothes c. wine d. cap(帽子)

晨测 (m3—m4)


1. h**e they到达)beijing yet?

2. we all know the earth is a行星).

3. yang liwei is a well-known宇航员).

4. can you make a模型)plane for your brother?

5. the exercise let students发现)math concepts on their own.

6. my friends h**e bought几本)books.

7. protect the环境)is to protect ourselves.

8. when we talk about the宇宙), we mean the earth, the sun, the moon and the stars, and the space between them.

9. i h**e known about the太阳系).

10. you h**e a fever. you had better take your温度).

11. i h**e been a成员) of greener china.

12. she catches a cold. she feels极坏的极讨厌的;糟糕的).

13. everyone should do much exercise to prevent疾病).

14. he did not go to school today也许) he was ill.

15. do you like keeping a宠物)at home.

短语。1. i am feeling well. i am in健康状况良好).

2. smoking对…有害)our body.

3. he感冒). he has to ask for a sick le**e.

4. you should做运动)to keep fit.

5. i am going to h**e a太空旅行).

6. you can上网) and look through the news.

7. i am aching全身).

8. i read**) every day.

9. h**e you heard the最新消息) ?

10. i h**e just made a model spaceship for our学校项目).




感觉良好。阅读理解 2篇

linda loves her dog d**y. they went to new york city last saturday. _1) linda was buying a news***** at the train station, the dog2) his box and ran away.

the station was __3) and linda couldn’t see d**y45) linda shouted his name, some people looked at her __6) d**y didn’t come. then she called the police. while she __7) on the phone, d**y met another dog outside the station.

while police were coming, linda walked around the station and called d**y’s name. she didn’t think about __8) outside the station. finally, a little boy said to her, “did you look outside?

i saw a big black dog when i came in.” when linda finally saw d**y, he was jumping and running with __9) dog. there was a police officer __10) them.

the police officer said to linda, “i think my dog found your dog.”

at that time b. beforec. while d.

after got upb. got out of c. got over d.

got into crowding b. crowd c. crowded d.

to crowd somewhere b. nowhere c. any places d.

anywhere when b. whilec. ifd.

though sob. thenc. however d.

but talked b. is talking c. was talking d.

talks to lookb. looking c. looks d.

looked anotherb. otherc. the others d.

others withb. next toc. in d.

on“my dear lady,” says holmes(福尔摩斯). you’re shivering(颤抖). are you old?

do you want a cup of hot tea?”

“i’m not cold,” the woman replies, “i fearfor my life!”

“we are here to help you. don’t worry about anything. i don’t know you.

but i know many things about you. for example, i know how you tr**el. you came to london by train.

you also ride to the train station on a horse-drawn wagon(马车).”

“why, yes. you’re right. but how do you know these things?”

“ i see a return ticket in your glove(手套). i see fresh mud (泥巴)on the left arm of your dress. now tell us your problem.

”“my name is helen stoner,” she states, “my mother and father are dead. i am living with my stepfather(继父), dr grimesby roylott. he comes from a rich family.

but they are no longer rich. they h**e nothing except a small piece of land and a huge old house. we are living in the house.

dr roylott is using my mother’s money for expenses(开支). part of it was for my sister and me. it was for our marriages.

”holmes is sitting in his chair. his eyes are closed. he is listening carefully to helen’s story.

he hears every detail.

helen continues. “my stepfather has no friends. he fights with everyone.

he is strong and gets angry quickly. everyone is afraid of him.”

“he has no friends at all?” asks holmes.

“no. he talks to no one except the gypsies. they are poor people who tr**el from place to place.

a band of gypsies is staying on our land right now.”

“are you and your sister afraid of the gypsies?”

“my dear mr holmes. you are ****** me so sad. my sister is dead.

that is why i am standing here in this room.”


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1 的绝对值。2 点b 0,4 在直线图象上,则。3 若直线和直线的交点坐标为 m,8 则m b 4 与数轴上的点一一对应的数是。5已知正比例函数 的函数值随的增大而减小,则一次函数的图象大致是 6 一次函数,经过 1,1 2,4 则与的值为。1 下列计算正确的是 ab c d 2 下列说法 5是2...