
发布 2022-12-21 18:31:28 阅读 7805



第ⅰ卷(选择题, 共65分)



)1. what does the new robot look like?

)2. what is john looking for?

)3. where does the girl’s english teacher come from?

)4. what time is it now?

)5. what animals does the woman like now?



) will our future home be?

a. on the moonb. on mars(火星c. on the sun.

)7. how can we get there?

a. by planeb. by ufoc. by rocket.


) is ann going?

a. to the parkb. to the libraryc. to the supermarket.

)9. what would sam like?

a. orangesb. applesc. bananas.


)10. who is jeff?

a. mr turner’s sonb. linda’s son. c. mark’s son.

)11. when did jeff get lost?

a. last fridayb. last saturdayc. last sunday.

)12. how was jeff when he was found?

a. tired and hungry. b. happy and excited. c. sad and angry.


)13. who is jenny writing to?

a. her uncleb. her mumc. her aunt.

)14. how long h**e jenny and emma been friends?

a. for 2 yearsb. for 3 yearsc. for 4 years.

)15. what is jenny’s problem?

a. she argued with emma.

b. she is losing her friend.

c. she doesn’t h**e new friends.

第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节, 满分35分)

第一节单项填空(共20小题; 每题1分, 满分20分):从a、b、c、d四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

) 16. we should try to do work with people.

moreb. more, fewer

mored. more, less

) are few visitors

a. are theyb. aren’t they

c. are thered. aren’t there

) 18. —do you know if he___here tomorrow?

no. if he here, he’ll call you.

a. comes, come, comes

c. comes, will come d. will come, will come

) parents shandong 18 years ago.

a. went tob. h**e gone to

c. h**e been ind. h**e been to

) 20. lily told me that my father me at the gate of school. i h**e to go there now.

a. is waiting forb. was waiting for c. waited for d. has waited

) 21. i’ve money, mum. can you give me some?

a. run well in c. ended up d. run out of

) 22.—do you know

—in two hours.

a. when the plane took off b. when did the plane take off

c. when will the plane take off d. when the plane will take off

) don’t want to things to him, because he never returns things he

from me.

a. lend, borrows

c. borrow, borrowsd. borrow, lend

( )24.—i h**e never seen such a wonderful performance before.

a. so h**e i h**e

c. neither h**e id. so i h**e

) 25. i felt he was wrong, i didn’t say so at that time.

although d. since

) 26.—i will go to guilin for vacation.

a .you’re welcomeb .h**e a try

c .h**e fund. that’s all right

) 27. he’d like to stay at home rather than shopping.

a. goingb. goesc. to god. go

) is always ready to help others, so everyone wants to him.

a. make friends withb. end up with

c. hear ofd. give out

) 29. —how much did the photo album you?

—ten dollars.

a. takeb. spendc. costd. pay

) 30. —h**e you been living here?

—since i was born.

a. how farb. how old

c. how oftend. how long

) has never been to hong kong. me .

a. alsod. too

)32 —would you mind my smoking here?

look at the sign. it says, “no smoking”.

at all b. no, i wouldn’t

c. of course not d. you’d better not

) 33. you help me? i h**e some trouble with my homework.


参 第十八章勾股定理。测试1 勾股定理 一 1 a2 b2,勾股定理 2 1 13 2 9 3 2,4 1,3 4 5,5 5 132cm 6 a 7 b 8 c 9 1 a 45cm b 60cm 2 540 3 a 30,c 34 10 b 11 12 4 13 14 1 s1 s2 s3 2 ...


一 1 若关于x的方程的解是非负数,则m的取值范围是 2 已知不等式组的解集是,则的值等于。3 已知,则的值是。4 如图十一,在锐角 abc中,bac 60 bn cm为高,p为bc的中点,连接mn mp np,则结论 np mp 当 abc 60 时,mn bc bn 2an an ab am a...


unit9 h e you ever been to a museum?section b i.重点单词和短语 1.一个说英语的国家2.远离。3.无论 还是4.四分之三的人口。5.一方面 另一方面6.做某事费劲7.靠近赤道8.一个尝试新食品的好地方。9.在白天10.全年。11.睡着的 醒着的12.醒...