英语八年级下 黄冈教练

发布 2022-12-21 04:08:28 阅读 3168

do you think there will be robots in people’s homes?


there will be 是there be 句型的一般将来时,表示“将会有……”其疑问句是将will提到there前面,否定句是在will后加not,可以缩写为won’t。如:

there will be snow in the night.夜间将下雪。

there won’t be any problems.不会有任何问题。

will there is be many tourists in our city this year?今年我市将会有很多游客吗?

yes, there will.是的。

will there be an exhibition this month?这个有会有展会吗?

no, there won’t.不会有。

there will be / is going to be a concert tonight.今晚将有一场**会。

归纳。there be 句式的时态。

一般现在时:there is / are。

一般过去时:there was / were。

一般将来时:there will be / there is / are gonging be。

现在完成时:there has / h**e been。

选择填空。there __a football match on tv this afternoon.

is gonging to h**e

will be

is going to play

will play

2)there is going to __a concert at the people’s theatre this evening,a. has b. h**e

c. be d. hold

解析】两题均以there开头,都表示“将会有……”因此应用there be 的一般将来时,there will be = there is / are going to be 。故(1)答案为b。题意为“今天下午电视将**一场足球赛”。


3) the radio says the clouds___le**e) later on.

4) i___not le**e) until he comes back.

will there be any ***** money in 100 years?一百年以后将会有纸币吗?

in 100 years “一百年之后”,指以现在为起点将过一百年。



如:(1)i think he’ll be back in a week.

2)he left for beijing on march came back after a week.他三月十日去北京的,一个星期后就会来了。

there will be more people.人口将会更多。

1)此处more 是many 的比较级,用来修饰可数名词的复数,表示“更多……”此时more的反义词是fewer。

more 还可以表示much的比较级,用来修饰不可数名词,此时more的反义词为less。


there will be more cars.小汽车将会更多。

i h**e more books than be.我的书比他的书多。

there will be more pollution.污染将会更严重。

i spent more time solving the problem than he.解答这道题,我比他花的时间更多。

3)拓展。more 位于数词any ,some, no, a few, a little, many, much等后面,名词的前面,表示“超过,额外的,再,还”等意思。如:

i h**e one more request.我还有一个请求。

do you h**e any more question?你还有问题吗?

it will take a few more minutes.还要再花几分钟。

单项选择。the __exercise you take, the healthier you will be.

a. much b. more

c. little d. less

this work is much harder. i think it will need __people and __money.

a. many, much b. much, many

c. fewer, lessd. more, more

there will be less pollution.污染将会更少。

1)less 此处是little 的比较级,用来修饰不可数名词,表示“更少的……”

2)另外“less + adj./adv.”可构成比较级,表示“不及……,不如……”如:

we h**e less snow this year than usual.今年雪比往年少。

i h**e less money than you.我的钱比你的少。

this coat is less expensive than that one.这件外衣不及那件贵。

this book is less interesting than that one.这本书不及那本书有趣。

3)拓展。little的比较级为less ,最高级为least。


(1)i h**e less money than he.

hemoney than me.

(2)there is less rain this year than last year.

thererain last year than this year.


if you payattention, you’ll makemistakes.

a. more, moreb. more, fewer

c. fewer, fewerd. less, less

the __cars, the __pollution.

a. more, lessb. fewer, more

c. fewer, lessd. less, fewer

i went to shanghai last year and fell in love with it. 我去年去上海,而且很喜欢那里。

fell 是 fall的过去式。

fall in love with sb.突然爱上某人。

be in love with sb.热恋着某人。

be in love with sh.喜爱某事物。

如:(1)i fell in love with her at first sight.我对她一见钟情。

2)they’re very much in love with each other.他们彼此在热恋中。

3)we’re in love with our city.我们热爱自己的城市。


the young man met her at party and fell __love __her.

a. in, inb. with, with

c. in, withd. into, with

how long __you both __love?

a. are, withb. do, fall in

b. in, withd. are, fall in

besides, our apartment is too small.加之我们的公寓太小了。

besides 此处是副词,“而且,还有”之意。


1)i h**e’t time to see the film. besides, it is too bad.我没时间去看这部电影,而且这电影太差劲。

2)it’s too late to go out now. besides,it’s beginning to rain.现在出去太晚了,而且开始下雨了。

3)we went to the park besides tom.除了汤姆之外,我们也去了公园。

4)no one writes to me besides / except you.除了你之外,没有人给我写信。


nancy went to the movie with her parents.

nancy went to the movie __her parents.

the teacher knows that and each students knows, too.

each students knows that __the teacher.


英语八年级 下册 复习安排。第一课时 units1 2 补充点。一 一般将来时的定义,结构,时间状语和用法。二 重温more,fewer,less以及should,could提出建议的用法。三 再讲讲what do you think he will be 和there be 的一般将来时的用法。四...


八年级英语下 英语复习资料 一 2011年2月27日周日。unit 1 will be sth.there is are going to be sth.将有 free 空闲的 computer 在电脑上 to be 岁数活到 可数名词复数更少。不可数名词更少的 7.many much more 可...


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