
发布 2022-12-20 22:16:28 阅读 3259




2 .本试卷分问卷和答卷。请将答案写在答题卷上,写在问卷上无效。


a. 听音选图(本小题5小题,每小题1分,共5分)


b. 情景反应(本题5小题, 每小题1分,共5分)


6. a. it’s march 3rdb. it’s cloudyc. it’s sunday

7. a. i don’t knowb. yes, pleasec. the same to you.

8. a. he is wellb. he is a teacherc. he is cooking.

9. a. sure, here you areb. i can help youc. he doesn’t think so.

10 a. yes, it isb. you’ re welcome. c. think you.

c. 对话理解(本题5小题,每小题2分,共10分)


11. a. by trainb. by planec. by car.

12. a. 10:30b. 11: 30c. 9:30

13. a. h**e a coldb. sleep wellc. h**e a headache

14. a. a penb. a purec. an id card.

15. a. a doctorb. a teacherc. a policewoman

第二部分语言基础知识运用 (35)

i. 词汇 (本部分a、b两部分,10小题,每小题1分,共计10分)


16. the doctor said , open your mand say ah…”

17. he is渴) .he wants to h**e some water.

18. how many牙齿) does the baby h**e now?

19. she has a fshe should drink lots of water.

20. we should love the大自然).

b: 用所给词的正确形式完成句子。

21. thank you forinvite) me.

22 can you come toi ) party.

23. we’rele**e) for beijing for vacation next week.

24. there are sixtyminute) in an hour.

25. we should eat abalance) to stay healthy

ii. 单项选择。(本题15小题,每小题1分,共计15)


) 26do you help the old man with the housework?

once a week.

a. how soon b. how long c. how often d. how many

) 27. —80% students like soccer, what does “80%” mean

a. no studentsb. all students

c. some studentsd. most students

) 28. —your eating habits are very good

a. don’t say sob. thank you

c. you’re welcome d. not at all

) 29. —i h**e __today, so i can’t go to school.

i’m __to hear that.

a. cold, sorry b. cool, happy

c. a cold, sorry d. a cool, sorry

) 30. you’re too tired. you __h**e a good rest.

a. should b. can c. may d. shouldn’t

) 31. he will stay in beijing for __days.

a. a little b. little c. a few d. few

) 32. health is important to us. we should eat more vegetables and fruit instead of __rich food.

a. too much b. much too c. very much d. very

) 33. in north america, most students go to school __the school bus.

a. on b. inc. byd. take

) 34. —would you like to come to my birthday party next friday

a. i’d love b. i’d love to c. i’d like d. yes, please

) 35. li wei with his friends __work on the farm next week.

a. goes to b. go to c. are going to d. is going to

) 36. you h**e a __you should stop eating anything.

a. headache b. backache c. stomachache d. fever

) 37. you shouldn’t __when you are tired at night.

a. go to bed early b. stop working

c. work too late d. h**e a rest

) 38. li lei works in england . he comes to china __

a. three time a year b. three times a year

c. three times year d. three time year

) 39. his grandmother is well because she often __

a. exercises b. smokes c. sleeps d. sings

) 40. if you h**e a fever, you should drink __water.

a. a lots of b. lot of c. a lot d. lots of

iii. 短文填空。(本题10小题,每小题10分,共计10分)


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