
发布 2022-12-18 19:12:28 阅读 4203




1-5 abaac 6-10 bccba 11-15 bcacc 16-20 cadeb


21-25 bcabd 26-30 cbcab 31-35 ddbac


36-40 bdaca41-45 bacdb


46-50 cbdac 51-55 acadc 56-60 bdacb 61-65 cabcd


66. better 67. looking 68. lived 69. friendly 70. never

71. sad 72. cats 73. them 74. dangerous 75. outside


76. what’s wrong with you? /what’s the matter/trouble with you? /what’s up?

77. did you take your temperature? /do you h**e a fever?

78. did you h**e breakfast? /do you want to eat something? /did you eat anything?

79. don’t worry. /nothing serious. /you h**e/h**e got/had/caught a cold.

80. what should i do?


one possible version:

it was sunny last weekend, and my parents and i went to the park together. when we arrived, i found there were a lot of people of all ages in the park. some people were boating, some people were skating, and others are kiting together.

all of them laughed and talked happily, and it was interesting. i joined in the skating, and i got a lot of fun from it and met some new friends. after that, my parents and i went boating together, and we had a good time there.




第四档 (好)(10-12分):覆盖所有主要内容;语法结构和词汇运用基本准确;能使用连接成分,文章结构紧凑。



第一档 (很差) (0-3分):未能传达任何信息;内容太少,无法评判。写的内容与所要求内容无关或写的内容无法看清。





听力原文。1. w: what are you going to do tomorrow, jack?

m: i’m going to play football with my friends.

2. w: i h**e a cold. i don’t feel well.

m: you should go to see a doctor.

3. m: what’s your hobby, ann?

w: i’m fond of playing the guitar.

4. m: what were you doing at this time yesterday, ellen?

w: i was watching tv.

5. w: what kind of music do you like best, peter?

m: i like country music best. it is very beautiful.


w: hi, john. there is going to be a school sports meet next sunday.

will you take part in it?

m: of course i will.

w: which sport will you take part in?

m: i’ll be in the long jump.

w: i believe you will win.

m: i hope so.


m: hey, mary. you don’t look well. what’s wrong?

w: oh, dr. li. i h**e a headache.

m: let me see. you h**e a cold. how long h**e you been like this?

w: for two days.

m: you should take some medicine and h**e a rest.

w: ok. thank you, dr. li.


my name is jessie. i’m 12 years old. i like playing the guitar and listening to music.

i h**e a brother. he is 14 years old. his name is bruce.

he used to collect stamps, but now he is interested in playing baseball. my grandfather is 70 years old. he enjoys listening to the radio in the garden.


m: hi, linda. where do you live, the city or the countryside?

w: i live in the city. but i like the countryside very much.

m: why?

w: i like the countryside because the air is fresher, the sky is bluer and the rivers are clearer.

m: yes. and there are many trees and animals in the countryside.

which kind of animals do you like best?

w: i like dogs best. they are very friendly to us.

第三节。earthquakes happen every year. learning how to protect ourselves in the earthquake is very important.

if you are indoors, you’d better stay under a strong table or desk. you can also sit on the floor in a doorway or close to a wall. you must protect your head and neck with your arms at the same time.

don’t try to run out of the building. if you are outdoors, you should move to clear areas. don’t stay near tall buildings or trees.

it’s not safe if they fall down. if you are driving a car, stop the car carefully on the side of the road. it’s safer to stay in the car.

last, keeping calm is the most important thing in an earthquake. if you h**e a clear mind, everything will be ok.


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