教学设计 八年级下Unit1

发布 2022-12-18 14:55:28 阅读 4972

unit1 will people h**e robots? (period one)

教学内容:(section a 1a—2c)


2.学会使用(few/ more/ less)。





教学步骤:step 1:

greet the class and check the homework.

step 2:lead—in

show some pictures of robots. let students enjoy all kind of robots.

t; do you h**e robots?

s: no, we don’t.


step 3: discussion (1a)

(a) call attention to the sentences in 1a. ask each group to read a sentence. explain “robot” and “prediction” to the students.

say, “these are the things the world will be in 100 years. do you agree these predictions?” check a (for agree), d (for disagree).

check the answers.

points: will not = won’t

there will beeg: there will be the subways in xi’an in two years.

live to be……years old eg: i’ll live to be 500 years old.

b) ask the class,“what do you think life will be like in 100 years?” h**e them make predictions about the life in the future.


step4: listening (1b)

ask students to read the sentences in 1a together. play the recording. students listen and circle the predictions they hear.

check the answers.


step5: pairwork (1c)

call attention to the conversation in 1c. ask two pairs to read it to the class. ask students to make their own conversations using the predications in 1a.

move around to give any necessary help. get a pair from each group to show their conversation to the class.

example: a: will people h**e robots in their homes?

b: yes, they will.

a: will books be only on computers?

b: no, they won’t. there will be still ***** books in the future.

a: won’t kids go to school?

b: yes, they will. but they will h**e robot teacher teaching them english!


step6:listening comprehension (2a and 2b)

call attention to the five sentences in 2a. point out “more, less, fewer”

many/much---more few --fewer little --less

then read the sentences in 2a. play the recording. students listen and circle the words.

check the answers. ask students to make predictions using the words. read everyone’s predictions about“less pollution, fewer trees, less free time, fewer cars, use the subways more……”do activity 2b in the same way.


step7: groupwork (2c)

ask students to make their own conversations about the future.

example: a: i think there will be more pollution.

b: well, i don’t agree. but i think there will be fewer trees.

a: i agree.

a: i think there will be less free time.

b: well, i don’t agree. but i think there will be fewer subways.

a: i agree.

b: …新教材要求合作和**。加强小组之间的合作,不仅提高学生的词汇量,更主要的是对同学之间的互相了解。

step8: what will you be in the future?

show a picture on the screen and ask a student:

t: look at this picture. what will you be in 20 years?

s: i will be a teacher.

t: where will you work?

s: i will work in shanghai.

ask another student:

t: what will he be in 20 years?

s: he will be a teacher.

t: where will he work?

s: he will work in shanghai.

points: the ****** future tense

will + 动词原形。

show other pictures and ask students to talk about their future life in groups. move around to give any necessary help. get several pairs to show their conversations.



1. copy the new words and the sentences.

2. make sentences with “will” and “there will be…”.



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