
发布 2022-12-17 14:30:28 阅读 9606


1n.)邀请函→ (v.)邀请 2adj.)美国的n.)美国。

3adj.)空闲的adj.)免费的 4adj.)擅长运动的n.)运动员。


重点短语】1来参加我的聚会 2去看医生 3上钢琴课

5在星期六下午 6太多的作业7下一次

8来加人我们吧 9网球训练 10保持安静。

11一整天 12有空. 13顺便来我家 14在某些方面。

15看起来一样 16看起来不一样 17超出

20共有(的),公有(的) 21和……一样 22使某人笑

24和……一样 25在某方面打败某人。

1.both既是代词又是形容词,意为“两者;双方;二人”。 both指代两者,all指代三者或三者以上。3)both...


i prefer speaking to listening in english learning. -oh,really!i think you should be good atof them.

a.both b.neither c.some d.all

2.be good at擅长……;在……方面做得好此处的at是介词,介词后面动词一定要用动名词形式。be good at…=do well in...

mr.yang’s daughter is pretty good drawing pictures and won many prizes.

a.with b.for c.in d.at

3.make sb.do sth.使某人做某事,当make作“使……”解时,后面的动词用省略to的不定式。

make sb./sth.+n.意为“使……怎么样”。 his words made me angry.他的话让我很生气。

many students said that they were willing to work hard to make their dreams true.

a.come b.came c.comes

4.invite v. 邀请。

(1)invite sb.to do sth.意为“邀请某人做某事” (2)invite sb.to+某地意为“邀请某人到某地”

3) invitation是名词。如:thank you for your invitation.谢谢你的邀请。

why are you so excited? -peter invited me on a trip to yuntai mountain.

a.to go b.go c.going d.went



we beat them by 2 to 1.我们以2比1赢了他们。

do you think the stars will beat the bulls? 你认为明星队能打败公牛队吗?

we (打败)their team by ten points.

练习。1.-how is your father feeling today? -mucn .he can’t go to work today.

a.bad b.worse c.better

2.-many people eat meat than they did before.-yes,that’s why they’re getting fatter and fatter.

a.more b.1ess c.fewer d.much

3.it is our duty our hometown cleanand beautiful. we must do something for it.

a.to keep b.keeps c.keeping

4.the more you smile,the you will feel. a.happy b.happier c.happily d.more happily

5.some chinese singers sing english songs just as as native speakers do.

a.good b.better c.well

6you go to the music lesson? —sorry,i can’t.

a.do b.can c.must d.may

7.—can you go to the great wall with us tomorrow

a.yes,i can’t b.i’m afraid i can c.sorry,i may not d.i’m sorry,i can’t

8.i’m sure he would love

a.come b.to come c.coming d.came

9.i h**ehousework to do this weekend.

a.much too b.too much c.many too d.too many

10.liven is than i am.

a.funny and outgoing b.more funnier and outgoing c.funnier and more outgoing d.more funny and outgoing

11.i’m glad to get yourto spend vacation with you.

a.invite b.invitation c.inviter d.inviting

12.i’m sorry ivisit you next week. a.can b.can’t c.may d.may not

13.for is the birthday party,do you know? a.when b.who c.whom d.where

14.thank you forme.

a.invite b.inviting c.invitation d.to invite

15.li ping and li mingblack eyes.

a.has both b.h**e both c.both h**e d.both has

16.here are photos oftwin sister and

a.me;i b.i;me c.me;my d.my;me

17.my friend isas me.we are both quiet.

a.as same b.so same c.the same d.not the same

18.she likes singing,dancing and talking with others.but i often stay at home and read books.so i amthan her.

a.quieter b.funnier c.more outgoing d.wilder

1.my grandparents live in a village nearby.i gosee)them once a week.


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