
发布 2022-12-16 21:35:28 阅读 4736






) sport does helen often play?

a. plays football. b. plays tennis. c. plays basketball.

) did frank spend his vacation?

a. in hangzhou. b. in hainan. c. in beijing.

) subject is grace better at ?

a. chinese. b. math. c. english.

)4. who is the girl in a red shirt ?

a. jenny. b. jenny’s sister. c. cindy’s sister.

)5. what does peter want to do tomorrow?

a. to go fishing.

b. to visit his uncle.

c. to go swimming.

)6. how long does it take the girl to get to school?

a. ten minutes. b. fifteen minutes.

c. twenty-five minutes.

) was jenny late?

a. because she got up late.

b. because the bus didn’t come on time.

c. because the weather was terrible today.

) will the woman be free?

a. this evening.

b. tomorrow morning.

c. tomorrow afternoon.



) time will the movie begin?

a. at 3:00 pm . b. at 3:30 pm. c. at 4:00 pm .

) much should the boy pay for the tickets?

a.120 yuan b.80yuan c.40yuan


) is mary?

a. sally’s sister. b. sally’s cousin. c. sally’s friend.

) is sally like?

a. quiet b. friendly. c. outgoing.


) did cindy go on vacation?

a. in new york.

b. in london.

c. in beijing.

) was the food there ?

a. bad b. expensivec. delicious.

) did not cindy’s family do there?

a. visit interesting places.

b. take photos.

c. help others.


) did linda go to beijing?

a. to h**e a meeting.

b. to study at a university.

c. to visit her cousin.

) did linda come back from beijing?

a. by trainb. by planec. by bus.

) did not linda do in beijing?

a. eat beijing duck.

b. visit the great wall.

c. go boating on the lake.


) many people are there in mr green’s family?

a. threeb. fourc. five.

) is susan?

a. she’s mrs green’s friendb. she’s eric’s sister.

c. she’s mr green’s sister.

) did they do on the second day?

a. visited tian’anmen square.

b. visited the great wall.

c. visited beijing zoo.

) long did they stay in china?

a. for four days. b. for five days. c. for a week.


23. last week, jenny was very busy and she felt very __

24. to getjenny stayed up late and studied very hard for three tests.

25. jenny usually goes to the library after school every day, but last week she only went there___

26. on saturday, jenny went to visit __for her parents.

27. on sunday, jenny did some __in the afternoon.


)28. —how was your weekend?

very good! i __the science museum with my classmates.

a. visit b. visited c. am visiting d. will visit

)29. -did you h**e a good weekend?

we enjoyed ourselves in the park.

a. i’m afraid notb. i don’t think so.

c. of coursed. i hope not.

)30.- do you go to the movies?

- i go to the movies maybe once a month.

a. how many b. how often c. how long d. when

)31. _they are twins ,_they don’t look the same at all.

a. because, so b. because, \c. although ,but d. although, \

)32. she is___than any other girl in her class. so she is __

a. outgoing, more outgoing b. more outgoing. outgoing

c. more outgoing, the most outgoing d. outgoing, most outgoing

)33. -who helped you clean the classroom yesterday?

i cleaned it all by myself.

a. somebody b. nobody c. everybody d. everyone

)34.-what do you think of the talk shows hosted by zhou libo?

i watch them every day.


2011 2012学年度下学期八年级英语期中考试测试卷。时间 90分钟分数 120分出题人 请将答案答在答题纸上。一 单选题 15分 called me friday morning and told me she was h ing a birthday party me.min said tha...


初中英语学习材料。madeofjingetieji 2016 2017学年第一学期期中试题 卷 八年级英语。a卷 100分 语音题 共 5 分 从每小题中选出单词划线部分读音不同于其它三项的一项。词汇考查 25分 a 词型转换 5 分 1 yourself yourselves 2 activiti...


初二年级科学试题卷 2009年11月 温馨提示 请仔细审题,细心答题,相信你一定会有出色的表现!一 选择题 本大题共25小题,每小题2分,共50分。1 下列四个单位中,属于密度单位的是 a 牛 米2 b 千克 米3 c 千米 小时 d 牛 千克。2 5月11日 17日是全国城市节约用水宣传周。市里有...