
发布 2022-12-15 09:49:28 阅读 2107








1. a. yes, you should.

b. no, you shouldn’t. c.

maybe you should buy some new ones.

2. a. yes, i did. b. no, i don’t. c. yes, i do.

3. a. yes, you may. b. no, you may not. c. ok, here you are.

4. a. i was ok. b. it was okc. you were ok.

5. a. yes, i think so. b. no, i can’tc. everything will be free.


6. what was the man doing when the bell rang?

a. he was reading. b. he was sleeping. c. he was listening to the pop music.

7. when will they h**e the party?

a. we don’t know. b. on sunday. c. on saturday.

8. can they le**e the party early?

a. yes, they canb. no, they can’t c. we are not sure.

9. who does the housework at home?

a. mum doesb. joe doesc. the robot does.

10. what does d**id do?

a. a reporterb. a doctorc. a teacher.



11. what’s bill reading?

a. a letterb. a bookc. a news*****.

12. where does bill want to go for his university study?

a. beijingb. london. c. new york.


13. how will the students learn in the future?

a. at the computers. b. at schoolc. we don’t know.

14. what will people do?

a. do a lot of work. b. h**e a sleep. c. take a vacation.

15. where will people go on vacation?

a. on the earthb. to the moon. c. to the sun.



16. the planeat three o’clock in the afternoon.

a. takes off b. takes away c. takes out d. takes down

17. if ittomorrow, we’ll stay at home.

a. will rain b. rainc. rainsd. rained

18. my mother __when i got home.

a. cooks b. cookedc. was cooking d. was cook

19. how much did youfor the computer game?

a. spend b. costc. payd. take

20. jenny g**e uson how to improve english.

a. some advices b. many advices c. some advice d. an advice

21. lucy is good at

a. read b. readsc. reading d. to read

22. –i’m going to the party

a. thank you. b. me too. c. that’s ok. d. that’s right.

23. do you think thererobots in people’s homes?

a. will h**e b. will be c. hasd. be

24. –if there arepeople driving, the air pollution will be

a. less, less b. less, fewer c. fewer, fewer d. fewer, less

25. my holiday will begin in

a. two days b. two day c. two days’ d. two day’s


26、实现27. in the future

28、与……一样29. hundreds of

30、火车站31. play football

32、首先33. report card

34、谋生35. all the time


36. i hope egoes well.

37. it’s said that the aliens look very s___

38. if you h**e a c___to study abroad, please take it.

39. work hard, and your dream will come t___

40. to my sthe bottle was empty.


ab41、what were you doing at 9o’clock last sunday morning? a .well. i don’t agree.

42、what will happen if they h**e the party today? b. i was doing my homework.

43、maybe you should call him upc. some students won’t come.

44、what did ben sayd. i don’t want to talk about it on the phone

45、i think there will be more pollution. e. he said he was hard working.


46. they went to the party, but i didn’t. (变为同义句)

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