
发布 2022-12-15 09:56:28 阅读 1904







abc. de.


)6. a. sureb. no, i don’t. c. robots can help us a lot.

)7. a. you’re welcomeb. why don’t you talk to him about it?

c. but there were some really smart seals.

)8. a. i was sitting in the barber’s chair. b. she was reading an interesting book.

c. a ufo? that’s amazing!

)9. a. what’s his nameb. he said i was hardworking.

c. yes, i’d love to.

)10. a. sorry, i don’t h**e any moneyb. it was nice.

c. i went to the aquarium.



)11. where is the bank?

a. it’s next to the restaurantb. it’s next to the hospital.

c. it’s behind the hospital.

)12. how far is the bank from here?

a. about 30 minutes’ walk

b. about 13 minutes’ walk.

c. about 30 minutes’ ride.


)13. what’s wrong with peter?

a. he argued with his best friend.

b. he didn’t h**e enough money for the tickets.

c. he couldn’t find a place to call his friend.

)14. how many suggestions does the girl give him?

a. 3b. 4c. 5.

)15. why doesn’t he want to write a letter?

a. he doesn’t want to surprise him.

b. it’s not easy to say sorry.

c. he doesn’t like writing letters.


)16. what’s the name of the film?

a. the sound of musicb. titanic.

c. love me once more, mom.

)17. when will the film start?

a. 1:15 thursday. b. 2:00 thursday. c. 4:00 friday.

)18. how will the students go to the cinema?

a. on footb. by busc. by bike.

)19. what’s the matter with wang lian?

a. she doesn’t h**e enough money to pay for the ticket.

b. she wants to say something important to the class.

c. she lost her english book this morning.

)20. what does the last sentence mean?

a. please look in your schoolbag to help her find the book.

b. please look in your schoolbag to find some money to pay for the ticket.

c. please go to the teacher for your ticket.



)21. a. whyb. shyc. myd. country

)22. a. soundb. laughc. argued. bargin

)23. a. husbandb. duringc. cultured. summer

)24. a. takeb. madc. pandad. factory

)25. a. stopb. boxc. moneyd. drop


) 26you eat hamburgers every day, you’ll get fat.

a. ifb. whenc. afterd. how

) 27. meimei isin the dining room. she enjoys her food very much.

a. talkingb. eatingc. studying d. playing

)28. the dog __the box and ran away.

a. got along withb. got on with

c. got out ofd. got over

) 29. i want you __the rules for school parties.

a. rememberb. remembered

c. are rememberingd. to remember

) 30. i’m so coldi borrow your jacket?

a. canb. mustc. dod. will

) 31. this is my penis over there .

a. youb. yoursc. yourd. her

) 32. —what did he say?

he said heto the movie tonight.

a. goesb. wentc. is going d. was going

) 33. a ufo landed right in front of me. how __it was!

a. happyb. excited c. strange d. famous

) 34. when you feel __pressure, what should you do to relax?

a. inb. onc. underd. over

) 35. a moment, please. it will __about five minutes to cook your dishes.

a. spendb. buyc. payd. take

) 36. —will you buy linlin a ball as a birthday present?

no, i __girls like balls.

a. did not thinkb. am not thinking

c. don’t thinkd. thinks

) 37. the old man looks happy in the day, _he feels upset at night.

a. andb. butc. ord. so

) 38. —which sport do you likeswimming or volleyball?

neither. i like basketball.

a. goodb. wellc. betterd. best

) 39. —we can use msn to talk with each other on line.

great! will you show meto use it?

a. whenb. wherec. howd. what

) 40. —what did the teacher say

he asked lucy

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说明 试题满分100分,考试时间100分钟。姓名班级考号。1 基础知识 28分 1 给下面加点字注音或根据注音写出汉字 4分 外壳 虬枝主z i倦d i 畎亩 傅说 丈夫之冠 始ch n 2.下列加点字的注音完全正确的一项是 2分 a 教诲 hu 禁锢 g 嫉妒 j 锐不可当 d ng b 翘首 q...