
发布 2022-12-14 19:34:28 阅读 9756

t 4take the trainby train乘火车by bike = on one’s bike骑自行车take the busby bus.乘车。

take the subwayby subway乘地铁hundreds of……数以百计的。

three hundred三百(有数没s没of ,反之亦然)数字+ minute’s walk几分钟的路程表示花费时间,金钱做某事的常用句型:

it takes sb +时间+to do sth、doing sth takes sb +时间sb spend +时间+(in)doing sth

sb spend +钱数+ on sth(在某事物上花费多少钱)sth cost sb +钱数sb pay +钱数+ for sht

far的比较级farther ,最高级,farthestquickquickerthe quickestearlyearlierthe earliesttake a shower淋浴must be….一定是。。。表推测,用在肯定句中)must的否定回答(needn’t /don’t h**e to)depend on…取决于。

worry about sth /sb ,,be worried about,,,担心。。。表示到达的常用短语:

get to +地点arrive in +大地方、arrive at +小地方,,,reach +地点。

take sb to +地点把某人送到某地sometimes有时,,(用于现在时)

sometime某个时候(可以是过去,或将来)some times几次,几倍。

some time一段时间(用在将来时)means of transportation交通方式。

a number of +复数名词+复数谓语一些,一部分the number of +名词+单数谓语。。。的数量是。。。本单元重点句型:

how do /does +sb + get to +地点?如何去某地how /what about sth/doing sth…..怎么样?

how long does it take+ sb to get from a to b?从a道b地花费多少时间?how far is it from a to b?

从a地道b地有多远?when it rains i will take a taxi.


unit 5

take / h**e a lesson = take /h**e a class上。。。课go to the concert参加**会。

the day before tomorrow前天the day after tomorrow后天on weekday在工作日。

invite sb to do sth邀请某人做某事whole和all的用法区别:

the whole day一整天(限定词在whole之前)all (the) day一整天(限定词在all之后)three whole days整整三数词+whole+复数名词all the students所有学生all +限定词+复数名词。


come over顺便来访not….until直到。。。才。

too much修饰动词和不可数名词too many修饰可数名词复数much too修饰形容词和副词thanks for doing sth因。。。而感谢h**e to do sth不得不做某事call sb = ring sb up给某人打**study for为。。。而学习go on vacation去度假重点句型:

can you…….你能做。。。吗?

sure , i‘d love to./ i’m sorry, i can’t . i h**e to do…当然,我很愿意、/对不起,我要做。。。

what’s the date today?今天几号?

what day is it today?今天是星期几?

what’s today?今天是星期几,几号?unit 6

be serious请严肃点。

take sthseriously严肃对待某事take note做注释it means….它意味。。。

what do you mean?你是什么意思?what’s the meaning of….

,的意思是?in some ways在一些方面it is +形容词way to do sth ,,这是做。。。的方法on one’s way to在某人去。。。

的路上both的用法:(两者都,both a and b are…….a和b都是a and b are both。。。

both of them are

both +复数名词+谓语both kids go to school.两个还在都上学(both在这里相当于形容词)

复数主语+ both +谓语they both finished 两者都不,,,否定)

neither anor bis….两者都不。。。neither of them is….

more than = over超出。

in common共有的,共同的。。be good at擅长。。。do well in(同义词)be good for对。。。有好处laugh at sb嘲笑某人。

be interested in sth =take an interese in sth对。。。感兴趣it is necessary for sb to do sth…对某人来数做某事很有必要look the same看起来一样look different看起来不同。

more than one +单数谓语不止一个。。。enjoy doing sth喜欢做。。。make sb do sth使人做。。。make sb/sth +形容词。

stop to do sth停下来去做另外一件事stop doing sth停下手头正在做的事本单元形容词比较级:

more outgoing ,more serious, more athleticcalmer, wilder,本单元重要语法点:(常用提示词than)形容词的比较和最高级:

1:形容词的比较级常用在同等事物或人物之间的比较,表示两者间的差异。例:i am taller than him.


1:a + is +形容词比较级+ b。she is more beautiful than me.

2:a + get /become +形容词比较级+ and +形容词比较级(变得越来越。。。he gets taller and taller.

3:the +形容词比较级+主谓,the +形容词比较级+主谓(越。。。就越。。。

the more you read, the more you know.你读的越多,你知道的就越多。4as +形容词原形+ as(与。。。

一样)he is as tall as me.他和我一样高。

否定形式not as +形容词原形+ as= not so +形容词原形+ as = less…..than….he is not as/so tall as me.

5:be the +形容词比较级+ of the two.(两者中比较。。。的一个)he is the taller of the two.

常用来修饰形容词比较级的词有:much ,a little ,a lot, a bit. even.最高级前一定要加zhe



2.以辅音加加y结尾的词,要把y变成i再加而er或est.3.一重读闭音节结尾的词,先双写这个词再加er或esr.4.多音节词直接在单词前加more,,,或the most..


unit 4 take the train by train 乘火车 by bike on one s bike 骑自行车。take the bus by bus.乘车。take the subway by subway 乘地铁。hundreds of 数以百计的。three hundred 三百 ...

八年级3 4单元重点

unit 3 一 重点词汇 le e 离开 出发 后面可以直接接地点,le e for 动身去 启程去 le e a for b 离开 去 forget 忘记。forget doing,forget to do finish 完成。finish doing 名词,代词,动名词。plan 计划 pla...


重点句型 1.what were you doing at eight last night?昨晚8点你在干什么?i was taking a shower.我在洗淋浴。2.when it began to rain,ben was helping his mom make dinner.当开始下雨...