
发布 2022-12-14 19:32:28 阅读 2310


1. be supposed to do sth.__he was supposed to give us advice.

i was supposed to meet her. they were supposed to be here an hour ago.

2. first of all, at first___first of all she just smiled, then she started to laugh. first of all, let me tell you the news.

at first we used hand tools.

3. for now___goodbye for now. shall we stop for now ?

4. be nervous, get nervous___the little thing makes him get nervous.

5. work on (atwill it work on human beings?

6. in danger___his life was in danger.

7. care for = take care of = look after __i like him but i don't care for her.

8. own___she makes all her own clothes.

9. open up __the sales manager wants to open up new markets in the far east. open up the box.

10. hometown___i can come back to my hometown some day.

11. be good at = do well in __the soldier was good at playing fife.

12. in good health___

13. get over___pass on … to___take a message __in a poor mountain village___

rural areas___sea level___three times a day___h**e a surprise party___

i’m sorry to hear thatmake money___lose money___senior high school___

in the city of…__in poor countries___work asin the children’s lives___

in (on)the soap opera___tell sb. to do sth.__tell sb.

not to do sth.__h**e a big fight___

on business___pretend to do sth.__report card___do better___copy one’s homework___

tell the truth___tell a lie___how is it going?__a homework project___

be surprised to do sth.__h**e a hard time___forget to do sth. _forget doing sth.__

it's + adj. +for sb.] to do sth___send(give) one’s love to sb.__end-of-year exams___

on friday night___be (get) mad at =be angry with___not…anymore = no more___


1、我们正在拍**的时候,发现了一个钱包。we found a wallet __wephotos.

2、他问我是否能和他一起踢足球。 he asked meplay football with him.


peter said that heh**e afor his sister.

4、he asked his mother __他是否能参加聚会) that evening.

5、i was taking a walk in the park when it __恰好降落在我的前面)

6、what __she say ?(她说了什么?)

7、he said i was努力学习)。

8、she said she was h**ing a惊讶的)party for lana on friday night .

9、i ammarcia.(生某人的气)

10、i am not打算去她家) on friday night .

11、lana thinks she’s来我家)to study.

12、i ammarcia不再生某人的气)。

13、i will __带) some drinks and snacks去你家)

14、what are some things that偶然发生 ) soap operas ?

15、ben __告诉) lana that marcia was going to h**ing a party for her .

16、lana __说) she was __mad at marcia __不再)

17、marcia给每一个人打**) and告诉他们)

18、she将不再)h**e a party .

19、你上课应该认真听讲。youlisten carefully in class.


21、李雷告诉琳达把作业带到学校。li lei told linda that shehomeworkschool.

22、上海是中国最大的城市之一。shang hai isin china.

23、并非每个人都能成功can be successful.

24. i’m做得好) reading than listening this term.

25. she broke my f**ourite gift from my mom. i’m __恼怒) at her.

26. the little girl is always shy. she will be very __紧张的) when she makes a speech in public.

27. history is the __最差的)of all his subjects.

28. my grandmother is more than seventy,but she is very in身体好).

29. after he finished his年终考试),he went back to his hometown.

30. _很幸运),i met my f**ourite star at that party.

31. our class didn’t win the race because i dropped the stick when i传递) the stick to mike.

32. don’t __抄袭) others’ homework. you can go to ask the teacher if you are not clear about it.

33. 在英语方面, 阅读和听力相比较, 我更擅长阅读。

in english, i’mreading than listening.

34. 昨天谢霆锋的出现让很多人疯狂。

many peoplexie tingfeng yesterday.


1 1 漫画中的两位同学的行为错误在 2 假如你是他们的同学,要你提醒他们改变认识,你将运用学过的哪些知识?3 你在日常生活中如何正确行使权利,自觉履行义务?2 小妮多次受到不法分子的的勒索,第一次,他们要她交50块钱的保护费,声称不给就要打她,不准她上学,她只好把存起来的零钱交给他们。三天后,他们...


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