
发布 2022-08-19 18:37:28 阅读 9499

复习8b unit 1重点。



ve been like this ever snice

a)last week (b) for a week (c) a week before (d)the last week

mother has worked in this factory 2 years.

a)aboutb)for (c)in (d)since

3. i h**en't heard from himlast week.

a)since (b) for (c)ago (d)before

father joined the party___

a)for three years (b)since three years ago (c)three years ago (d)in two years' time

green isn't in the office , he to the library

a)has gone (b)went (c)has been (d)will go

smith to tokyo and he will be back in a week

a)has been (b)has visited (c)has sent (d)has gone

china for two years

a)h**e been to (b)h**e been in (c)h**e gone to (d)h**e come to

s been to the great wall before


s never been to englandshe?

a)has (b)hasn'tc)isn't (d)is

10has hanmei been in the library.

a)how long (b)how soon (c)how far (d)how often

long __he___the library book .

a)has,borrow (b)has,kept (c)has,bought (d)did,buy

father in 1990 and her husband for more than five years

a)died ,dead (b)has died,dead (c)died ,has been dead (d)has died, has died

h**ethis nice watch for two years

a)had (b)bought (c)borrowedd)lend

his home for ten years

a)has left (b)left from (c)has been away from (d)was away from

a league menber for three years

a)is (b)has been (c)has become (d)h**e become

s brother has for two years

a)joined the armyb)been an army (c)become a soldierd)been in the army

hasn'tquanzhou ever since he left school

a)left (b)been away (c)been (d)away

18. —h**e you finsheed your homework ——yes, i it last night

a)finish (b)finished (c)h**e finished (d)will finish

19you ever to nanjingyes,i there last year.

a)h**e…gone, h**e gone (b)h**e…been , went (c)did…go, went (d)did…go,has , been

20.——when you lucy in new yorki here for two years

a)did…meet,h**e't seen (b)did…meet,h**en't seen (c)did…meet,don't seed)would…meet,hadn't seen

ii. in the past, in / over/ during the past + 时间段。



注意:pass 和 past

when our boatthe bridge, he wasa tall building.

a. passed, passing b. went past, passing c.

pasted, walking past d. went past, walking pass

iii.方向 south n. /southern adj.

in the south of … in the southern part of …

涉及介词:in, on, to



iv. marry 的用法。

be/ get married to sb. =marry sb.

marry v. -married adj. -marriage n


when did peterjane?

a. marry b. married c. get married with d. marry to


v.pollute v. -polluted adjpollution n.


vi.much + 比较级。


he can speak little english and his brother can speak evenlittle).

his story was farinteresting).

类似补充。vii. alone, lonely


viii. a bit, a little, a bit of



ix. please v., pleased adj., pleasant adj., pleasure n.

be pleased/ happy with …


it wasfor me to take the trip because i lost my wallet.

would you please help me take care of my dog for a few days?

a. it’s my pleasure. b. that’s all right. c. not at all. d. with pleasure.

x. as well, as well as


he as well as his parentsdislike) staying at home during holidays.

他是我们的老师,他也是我们的朋友。(as well, as well as)


重点词语译解。1 n,纸,报纸,试卷,a piece of 一张纸what do the say?报纸上怎么说?a morning an evening 晨 晚 报a term 学术 look over examination 阅卷。2 pollution n.污染,pollute,vt.污染 ai...


一。重点短语。1.两者中你 一个 另一个2.与 交朋友。3.把 介绍给4.与 一样 5.与 不同6.祝你好运倒霉 7.拉二胡8.穿着传统的衣服。9.表演一个舞蹈10.春节。11.建议 做某事12.它由你决定。13.同意某人14.把 写下来。15.逐渐做某事16.口语 请把,说吧。17.拉小提琴18....


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