八年级上7 12单元测试

发布 2022-12-14 18:25:28 阅读 9047

unit 7 how do you make a banana milk shake?


1.仔细想想, 你或许在什么地方可以找到它。

think it you can



什么也看不见? 仔细看看, 你就会看见树林里有什么东西。

can you see

no, i see

look carefully and you will see

3.不要把这个带去, 这对我很有用。

don'titit'sfor me.


don'therein the classroom.

.now bobby is going to help mum to do it,but he can't remember the instructions you help him?

turn on,cut up,smoothie,pour…into,put…into,peel

1the bananas.

2the bananas.

3the bananas and yogurtthe blender.

4the milkthe blender.

5the blender.


剥) an orange for your grandma.

is a食谱) for a turkey sandwich.

want some糖) in my coffee.

mother puts两勺) of cinnamon in it.

do you做)the fruit salad?

unit 8 how was your school trip?



wea walk along the river yesterday evening.


did youyour clothes?


iher last week.


whenyouthe computer?


the smithsnanjing last month.



twins:hi, meimei!

meimei: 1 you 2 a good time last sunday?

lucy:yes, we 3 .we went to the great wall.

meimei:great! where 4 you 5 lunch then?

lily:we 6 lunch at the foot of the great wall.

meimei:what kind of food 7 you h**e?

lucy:i 8 beijing lily didn' 9 fish.

meimei:how long 10 you stay there?

lily:for about five hours.

.根据句意, 完成句子。


whatyoubefore breakfast?


my fathera computerme last week.

3.2024年, 我家从农村搬到了这座城市。

my familyfrom the countrythe city in 1978.


the machine?

5.下雨时, 我在家读点书。

when iti did someat home.

.完成对话, 每空一词。

ajohn:tim,glad to see you again. 1 you enjoy your summer holiday?

tim:yes, how about you? did you stay at home?

john: 2 .i went to emei mountains in sichuan and had a wonderful time there.

tim:really? so did i?

john:and i 3 to the top of the mountain.

tim:so 4 i?

john:and i stayed there for a night, and the next morning i saw the was great!

tim:oh, dear! 5 6 i.

john: 7 didn't i see you there?

tim:i went in late you?

john:early a 8 we didn't go there at the same time!


watch tv every evening.(用过去时改写)

itv yesterday evening.

was a fine day yesterday.(对划线部分提问)


did his homework last night.(改为否定句)

hehis homework last night.

was in the supermarket yesterday afternoon.(对划线部分提问)

you yesterday afternoon?

saw some seals.(改为一般疑问句)


unit 9 when was he born?


did their homework last night.(改为否定句)

theytheir homework last night.

was born on june 22, 1984.(就划线部分提问)

born?went to bed at nine last night. (就划线部分提问)

sheto bed last night.

lived in london for about three years.(就划线部分提问)

youin london.

got there at got there at 8:00, too.(合为一句)

got theretime.

.词汇。a small village.(出生)

boyfor three hours.(打嗝)

oldyou when you began to go to school?(be)

yapingolympic games in 1994.(参加)

twin was anwriter.(杰出的)



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