
发布 2022-12-14 16:28:28 阅读 3494



第一卷 (共65分)

一听力部分 (每小题1分,共15分)

a) 同学们,请根据听到的内容在下列四幅图中选择所听内容相符的**,并把**的序号写在题下面的横线上。要仔细哦!(听两遍)

b) 聪明的你会根据所听问题选择正确的应答句子吗?听两遍。

) 5. a. it’s friday. b. it’s a fine day . c. it’s june.

) 6. a. i want tea instead. b. i’d like some tea. c. i prefer tea.

) 7. a. it’s cloudy. b. good idea. c. on wednesday.

) 8. a. he likes smoking . b. he is cooking supper. c. he’s kind and helpful.

) 9. a. ok, i don’t.

b. sorry, i won’t. c.

yes , i won’t,c) 同学们,请根据所听对话和短文选择正确答案。爱学习的你一定能成功!


) 10. what is tom going to do tomorrow?

a. he has no idea. b.

he’s going on a field trip. c. he’s going to fly kites in the field.

) 11. does mary want to go with tom ?

a. yes. b. no. c. we don’t know.

) 12. what should mary take with her ?

a. some food . b. some food and drinks . c. a book and some food.


) 13. what time did mike get up one cloudy morning ?

a. 7.15 b. 6.45 c. 6.15

) 14. what did he do before he put his books into his bag ?

a. he washed his face b. he saw his friend c. he got to school

) didn’t h**e classes that day, did they?

a. yes, they did . b. yes, they didn’t. c. no, they didn’t.



) 16. help __to some fish , tom.

a. yourselves b. youself c. yourself d. you

) 17is the farm? -only a few metres away.

a. how far b. how long c. how d. what

) 18. _you speak englishyour spoken english can be.

a. the more, better b. more , the better c. more , better d. the more, the better

) 19. hurry up! there is __time left for us.

a. little b. a little c. few d. a few

) 20. the meat smells __you’d better throw it away.

a. badly b. bad c. well d. good

) 21. mary’s answer is quite different from __

a. him b. he c. his d. him

) 22. -mum, could you buy me a dress like this ?

---certainly. we can buy __one than this , but __this.

a. a better , better than b. a cheaper , as good as

c. a worse , as good as d. a more important, as good as

) usually __football on sundays, but now she __

a. play, swims b. plays , swim

c. play, is swimming d. plays , is swimming

) 24. call a taxi, _you’ll catch the train.

a. but b. so c. or d. and

) 25. kitty wantsthe singing.

a. joins b. joining in c. to join in d. to join

) 26. there are so many kinds of pens. he don’t know

a. which one to buy b. to buy which one

c. what to buy d. which to buy one

) 27. the work isso i am __

a. bored, boring b. boring , boring

c. bored , bored d. boring , bored

) 28. last week they had a great time __qingdao.

a. to visit b. visiting c. to visiting d. for visiting

) 29. if i __the park, i’ll call you.

a. arrive at b. will arrive at

c. arrive in d. will arrive in

) 30. my roommate is a girl __round eyes and long hair.

a. has b. with c. had d. is h**ing

) 31. we looked at the picture carefully, but found __

a. unusual anything b. nothing unusual

c. anything unusual d. unusual something

) 32. don’t eat __meat, or you’ll be __fat.

a. too much , much too b. much too, much too

c. too much , too much d. much too, too much

) 33. d**id often talks __but does __so everyone says he is a good boy .

a. little , many b. few , much

c. more , less d. less, more

) 34. it’s hard to make the house __with the children.

a. cleaning b. to clean c. cleaned d. clean

) 35. bob never does his homework __mary. he does a lot of mistakes.

a. as careful as b. as carefully as

c. carefully as d. careful as



traffic rules are made to keep order on the road. they also help to keep people _1__.the pedestrian(行人) has as many rules to __2__ as the driver of a car.

you should walk at the sidewalk or at the __3__ of the road. always look carefully before you walk across the street. if you drive, you like riding a bike ,don’t ride in the middle of the road or run __4__ red traffic lights.

when you ride a bike with a friend , don’t look around to talk.


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