
发布 2022-12-11 13:15:28 阅读 5636














31. he writes to his parents ta month.

32. do you find the dbetween the twins?

33. yesterday i had a bad cso i didn’t go to work.

34. simon is very tplease give him a cup of tea.

35. -what's the mwith youi h**e a headache, doctor.

36. he likes the nature. he likes to live in the c

37. my father always rides his bike to the subway s

38. be qwe h**en't much time.

39. don't wabout you son. he can look after himself.

40. the day after tis sunday .

41. i want to know the iabout the students.

42. his cousin wants to live in shanghai in the f

43. he is good at english. he min english.

44. deng yaping was a ping-pong player. she often played for our nteam.

45. you should do more eto keep healthy.

46. i don't like to tr**el by bus. i'd like to tr**el by t

47. shenyang is in the nof china.

48. the computer is too expensive. i don't h**e emoney to buy it.

49. how many tdo you visit your grandparents every month?

50. some tlike surfing the internet very much.

51. his mother didn't shim any money from beijing this week.

52. kitty ba picture book from one of her friends yesterday.

53. you sdo your homework after school. then you can watch tv.

54. -what's your djobi want to be a pilot.

55. my parents are very busy the wday.

56. don't lat that old man. it's not polite.

57. football in china is very peveryone likes playing it.

58. there is going to be a basketball mnext monday.

59. children shouldn't play in the street. it's very d

is a famous football p


61化学) is my f**orite subject.

62. -would you like to eat some巧克力)?

63. the结果)of the students' english test is good.

64. the old woman is ill. she should take some药).

65. don't忘记)to bring your exercise books here tomorrow.

66. the girl is very外向的).all the people like her.

67. i'm sorry. i h**e to go to my piano课).

68. mozart is an杰出的)musician.

69. the little boy不喜欢)staying at home on sundays.

70. the sign表示…的意思)"no talking".

71. my brother wants to邀请)you to his birthday party.

72. a strange人)is waiting to see you at the bus stop.

73. your友谊)is very important to me.

74. he didn't get up直到…才…)eight o'clock this morning.

75. mike's brother is very严肃的).

76. please take out the垃圾).

77. i often help mum to打扫)my house once a week.

78. we must be镇静的)in face of danger.

79. it was an不寻常的)day in my life. i will never forget that day.

80. -can i ask you some问题)about your plans?




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